what is manufactured and natural structures
manufactured is made by humans and modeled after nature structures
natural structures are not made by humans can be living or non living
when describing a car it can contain, shelter, transport and lift objects these are all examples to describe a car A) design B) stability C) functions D) aesthetics
C) functions
size of the force effects of a strong force depends on the mass of the structure
external forces is?
force that is applied on a structure by something else to remain standing all structures on earth must be able to resist force of gravity
which of the following bridge would you recommend to its ability to withstand heavy loads? A) truss bridge B) beam bridge C) suspension bridge D) arch bridge
B) beam bridge
structural strength
to support its own wait or the weight added
multiple functions
supporting own weight, lifting, communicating, holding, fastening
direction is?
witch way the force is coming the direction determines the effect
what is the center of gravity?
imaginary point where gravity is strongest
trust bridge
A lightweight but strong
bridge Made of trusses (triangle
shaped frames) along its
structural stability
important to make art look good with shapes and colours
location is?
where the force is applied
symmetry is?
balanced arrangements of mass
suspension bridge
A modern suspension bridge has
tall towers on either end that
support the main cables holding
up the bridge
what type of structure (mass, frame or shell) is each object listed
a) a backpack tent b) a pop can c) a concrete barrier
d) the jewel box in which a CD is packed
a) a frame b) shell c) mass d) shell
other characteristics of structures
classified according to materials and components they are made of
newton (N) is?
amount of needed to hold upmass
what is load?
an external force acting on structure
arch bridge
heavy loads, transferred to the
end supports
combining structures is?
2 or more structures in one
force is?
push or pull that tends to cause an object to change its movement or shape
static load
non moving permonet force
dynamic load?
moving changing force
key stone is?