What is the String Theory.
Tiny one dimensional vibrating strings.
How many planets are in our solar system.
What is the most common constellation.
Orion the Hunter
What is the surface temperature of the sun.
27 million Fahrenheit
What is the most famous comet.
Halley's comet
Can strings stretch forever in String Theory.
Yes, they can
What type of star is our sun
What constellation can help you find the North Star.
Big Dipper
What is the suns distance to earth.
92.96 million miles
What is the smallest comet.
Hartley 2
Who is the leader of String Theory.
Edward Witten
What is the hottest planet in our solar system.
What is the biggest constellation.
What is the age of the sun.
4.603 billion years
Witch comet is the closest to the sun.
Sungrazing comet
What is the mane purpose of String theory.
Allows for a quantum description of gravity
What is the coldest planet in our solar system.
What is the smallest constellation.
What is the sun made out of.
hydrogen 70% helium 28% and other trace amounts
What comet has the most iron in it.
The Great Comet of 1882
Who thought of String Theory.
Gabriele Veneziano
What is the outermost edge of our solar system called.
The Heliopause
What is the rarest constellation.
Serpent Bearer
What is the mass of the sun.
4.4x10 30 pounds
What is the heaviest comet.
c/2014 UN271