Math and Science skills
Everyday Science skills
Scientific Method - steps
Think like a Scientist
Critical Thinking skills

What is using a ruler to see how long or wide something is?

What is measuring

What is it called if you are looking at something like changes in color or temperature?

What is observe?


In the first step of the scientific method, the scientist must see something. He _______s it. 

What is observe?


When scientists think of a testable statement that they think is going to explain what they observe, they need to what? (like when we guessed the worm would  dissolve). 

What is hypothesize?


Its not always possible to conduct an experiment (like when astronomers study objects in space), so the have to use what kind of testing? 

What is observational testing? 


What does a scientist use if he is trying to count or compare how many there is of something. 

What is numbers


What is it called when you share the results of your experiment with other scientists (or kids in your class)?

What is communicate?


During the second step of the scientific process, the scientist asks a _____________?

What is a question? 


When my weather phone app tells me that there is a 60% chance of rain next Thursday, they are making a what?

What is prediction?


If I measure the temperature of something with a thermometer vs just saying that I think it feels warm when I touch it, I am using_________? 

What is empirical evidence? 


What would a scientist use if he was trying to time how fast a student runs?

What is a clock or stopwatch? 


What is it called when you record the similarities and differences in science? 

What is compare?


In order for a scientist to be able to answer the question he asks, he must conduct an _________?

What is an experiment?


When a scientists evaluates the data he collects and figures out the answer to the question he asks, He draws a _________?

What is conclusion? 


When the termites followed the path of the pen it might be because they feel the grooves. But it may also be because they prefer the smell of the ink. This is an example of what? 

What is Alternative Explanation? 

What is it called when you split a group of people up into 2 groups from biggest to smallest?

What is classification and order?


What is it called when you walk down the hall, smell chocolate chips and use your smart brain to know that you are having chocolate chip cookies at lunch?

What is infer or inference? 


Once the scientist conducts the experiment an analyses all the data, he draws a __________?

What is a conclusion? 


When the liquids in my beaker of my experiment change but I use the same gummy worm in each beaker, the liquids are considered what? 

What is a variable?


If a class wanted to know what would happen to a gummy worm when you let it set in water for 24 hours, they would need to do what__________ testing. 

What is experimental? 


What is it called when you write down (record) your datain a notebook or on your computer?

What is record and display data?

Can a scientist conclude that an animal is going to win a race because it is the cutest and cuddliest? 

What is NO!


When the science experiment is over, the scientist ___________s the information with others. 

What is shares or communicates? 


After the scientists makes an observation, asks a question and states a hypothesis, he must plan and conduct a what? 

What is an experiment or investigation? 


Data collecting through direct observation is called what? 

What is empirical evidence? 
