Analyzing Data
WHMIS - 500 is worth 600!
Basic Safety

What must an experiment have only ONE of to prevent skewed results?

Independent variable


What type of statements do hypotheses make?



State the difference between QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE data.

QUALITATIVE is based on a value experienced with the senses.

QUANTITATIVE is measurable with numbers.


What does WHMIS stand for?

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System


What 3 things are necessary for a fire?

Heat, fuel, oxygen


What is the change in a variable compared to?

Control group


Define 'hypothesis'

a proposed explanation for a phenomenon made as a starting point for further investigation


As the weather gets warmer, the risk of tornadoes increases (or vice versa)


What WHMIS hazard label is not mandatory in Canada?



What is the recommended ratio of bleach to water when using bleach to clean and disinfect?



State the variables and control group in this experiment:

To test a new fertilizer, half the tomato plants in a field are treated given the fertilizer. The remaining half of the tomato plants are not given the fertilizer. After 1 month, the amount of tomatoes ready for harvesting is measured.

Independent: fertilizer

Dependent: harvestable tomatoes

Control: same field (soil), same type of plant, same water/sun exposure


Which hypothesis is better? Explain why.

B: If the grass gets more sun, then grass will grow taller.

B: If the sun comes out more often, then the grass will grow more.


comes out vs. gets more sun

grow taller vs. more


What conclusions can we draw from this graph and what impacts would this conclusion have on the public?

Energizer batters get the longest battery life when used in flashlights. This would influence people to by Energizer batteries over Panasonic or Duracell.


What is the immediate distinction between Class D1 and D2 hazards?

Immediate vs. other toxic effects


To extinguish a fire, what does PASS refer to?

Pull the pin
Aim at the base of the fire
Squeeze handle
Sweep side to side


State the 2 flaws in this experiment (200 points each):

A new shampoo is being introduced to the market. It promises that less of it will need to be used in order to achieve the same level of cleanliness. To test this, 100 women are given the new shampoo and are instructed to use 10mL of it every day. Another 100 people are given a regular shampoo and are instructed to use 30mL of it every day. After 3 months, the cleanliness of their scalp and hair is measured.

- amount of shampoo used should not be different

- women vs. people


Create a strong hypothesis and a weak hypothesis to explain what type of material birds prefer for their nests. (200 points each)



State 4 conclusions we can draw from the population pyramid for Oman (100 points each):

- there is a low elderly population meaning this country has a lower life expectancy
- between 25 and 50 years ago, the female population plummeted meaning the female population was being controlled in some way
- between 15 and 20 years ago, the population abruptly declined meaning there was likely a major conflict resulting in many deaths
- current 15-25 year-olds may struggle to financial support their larger elderly population


Hazard symbols: What is the difference between using a triangle or an octagon to frame the symbol? (What do the triangle and octagon mean?)

Triangle --> container is dangerous

Octagon --> contents are dangerous


List 4 tips to stay safe while cleaning with chemicals (100 points each)

  • Do not mix chemical cleaners, particularly bleach
  • Always dilute bleach à 1:50 ratio with water
  • Use the least concentrated chemical that will get the job done
  • Clean in a well-ventilated area
  • Wear proper PPE (gloves, mask, goggles, etc.)

Explain the flaws in the experiment and describe why they render the experiment useless:

To test if dairy is related to improved performance in video games, 50 people are given a dairy-free diet and another 50 people are instructed to follow their regular diet. Both groups receive 3 types of games: a FPS, a JRPG, and a puzzle game. Scientists tally their scores from all three games to draw a conclusion. 

- different types of games will be scored differently

This renders the findings useless because they did not specific how performance would be improved and therefore do not know what they are measuring.

- age range?
- length of time?
- gender?
- what if regular diet was already dairy-free?


Create a strong quantitative hypothesis and a weak quantitative hypothesis to explain a phenomena of your choice.

Ex: Customers prefer hot coffee over iced coffee




1: the US had the most cases worldwide

2: Japan had the least cases worldwide

3: China's cases stopped increasing at ~90,000 OR they stopped reporting cases

- labeled axes
- units


Provide an example of a Class A, Class B, and Class D3 material. (200 each, total 600 points)

A: oxygen, propane, welding gases, etc.

B: gasoline, acetone, alcohol, etc.

D3: blood, animal/human waste, medical syringes, etc.


List the 4 types of fires and 2 methods of extinguishing, other than water.

4 types: wood/paper/cloth, flammable liquid, electrical, metal

Extinguishers: CO2, dry chemical
