May I ask you a question?
Hypothesis or
Variable Variables
Heat Wave
Proper Procedures
Is this a "testable question"-- Which flavor of Capri Sun do 4th graders prefer?
No, it is not a testable question. It does not measure the affect of an independent variable on a dependent variable.
Is this a hypothesis: If I increase the height of the ramp then the speed will increase because the height will increase the rate of acceleration.
Yes, it is a hypothesis. It follows the If, Then, Because format.
What variable must remain the same in the investigation? Independent Dependent Controlled
Controlled variable
What kind of materials easily transfer heat? Give two examples.
Metals-- aluminum, iron, copper, steel
True/false When you research something you look for pictures and opinions.
False, when you research you look for FACTS.
Is this a "testable question"-- How does the amount of sugar affect the freezing temperature of a liquid?
Yes, it is a testable question.
Is this a hypothesis: I think colder water will make ice melt slower.
Not a hypothesis. Does not follow the If, Then, Because format.
Which variable is measured? independent dependent control
The dependent variable (d) is measured.
How does heat transfer in thermal conduction? Currents The sun Direct contact
Thermal conduction is heat transfer by direct contact.
True/False The experiment can be done once or twice to get good results.
False-- The procedures should be followed 5 times to get valid results.
State the format for a testable question. How does ____________________________?
How does i affect d ?
Is this a hypothesis: The speed of the skateboard on the highest ramp is 18 miles per hour.
Not a hypothesis. Does not follow the If, Then, Because format.
Which variable is changed? independent dependent control
Independent variable
Which of the following is not a good conductor? A metal cup A plastic spoon A copper wire
A plastic spoon-- plastic is a good insulator, not a conductor
Why do you write down your procedures? Because your teacher told you to To remember your materials So other scientists can duplicate the investigation
You document your procedures so that others can follow the steps to verify your results.
Use the following variables to create a testable question: height of ramp speed of skateboard
How does the height of a ramp affect the speed of a skateboard?
Use the following to create a hypothesis: (Remember to use the If, Then, Because format) Plants in sunlight Grow taller Plants use sunlight to grow
If you put plants in sunlight then they will taller because plants use sunlight to grow.
Name the independent and dependent variables in the following question: How does the height of the ramp affect the speed of a skateboard?
Independent-- height of ramp Dependent-- speed of skateboard [How does i (height) affect d (speed)?]
Which of the following are good insulators? (Choose all that apply) A styrofoam cup A metal spoon A plastic mug A ceramic bowl
Styrofoam cup, plastic mug, & ceramic bowl are all good insulators.
True/False The conclusion of the experiment is presented in graph form.
False-- The conclusion is a written reflection on the investigation including the original question, hypothesis, results, explanation and inferences about your results.
Use the following variables to create a testable question: melting rate of ice temperature of water
How does the temperature of water affect the melting rate of ice?
Use the following to create a hypothesis: (Remember to use the If, Then, Because format) Ice Cube on a metal plate Metal is a good conductor of heat Melt faster
If you put an ice cube on a metal plate then it will melt faster because metal is a good conductor of heat.
Name the independent and dependent variables in the following question: How does the amount of light affect the growth of a sunflower seed?
Independent-- amount of light Dependent-- growth of seed [How does i (light) affect d (growth)?]
Heat energy travels from inside to outside warmer area to colder area colder area to warmer area
Heat energy travels from colder area to warmer area.
True/False Your experiment is a failure if your hypothesis is incorrect.
False-- scientists learn many things from failed investigations as well as successful ones. "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work." -- Thomas Edison