The Solar System
Pop Culture

Jupiter is 483,800,000 miles away from the sun. What is this number in scientific notation?

4.838 x 108 miles


The average person produces 1 x 104 gallons of saliva (spit) in their entire lifetime. How many gallons of saliva is that in standard form?

10,000 gallons of saliva


Michael Jordan scored 32,292 points in his entire NBA career. How is this number expressed in scientific notation?

3.2292 x 104 points


Americans eat nearly 50,000,000,000 hamburgers a year. How can this be expressed in scientific notation?

5 x 1010 hamburgers a year


On YouTube, the Sharkeisha video has been watched 2.197445 x 106 times. What is this number in standard form?



The Earth weighs 4.588 x 1024 tons. What is this number in standard form?

6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons


In the average human lifetime, a person will unintentionally eat 80 insects while asleep. What is this number in scientific notation?

8 x 101 insects


Double Jeopardy: 400 points

Peyton Manning had 5.477 x 103 passing yards in 2013. Russell Wilson threw for 3.357 x 103 passing yards in 2013. How many more passing yards did Manning have than Wilson in 2013? Express your answer in scientific notation

2.12 x 103 passing yards


A grain of salt is about 3.3 x 10-3 meters wide. How is this number expressed in standard form?



On average, teens spend 1.825 x 104 hours a year playing video games. What is this number in standard form?

18,250 hours a year


Astronomers estimate there are over 100,000,000,000 stars in the Milky Way. What is this number in scientific notation?

1 x 10 ^ 11 stars


You blink about 15,000 times a day. How many times do you blink in a year? Express your answer in scientific notation.

5.475 x 106 blinks a year


Double Jeopardy: 600 points +/- with SN

A professional soccer player hits a soccer ball at about 3.53760 x 105 feet per second. If there are 5280 feet in a mile. How many miles per hour can they kick? Express your answer in standard form

67 miles per hour


Taco Bell's "Taco Salad" has 5.2 x 101 grams of fat. That is about as much fat is in 5 tacos. About how many grams of fat are in one taco? Leave your answer in standard form.

10.4 grams of fat


Bill Gates has about $61,000,000,000. The average cost of an Apache Helicopter is about 1.39 x 10dollars. Approx. How many helicopters could he buy? Write your answer in scientific notation. Can Use a Calculator

Approx. 4.388 x 103 Apache Helicopters


Double Jeopardy: 800 points +/- with SN

The average temperature of Uranus is -1.93 x 10-2 degrees C during the day. The average temperature of Earth in degrees C during is 2.0 x 101 during the day. On average, how much colder is Uranus than the Earth during the day? Express your answer in standard form

173 degrees C


It takes 5 x 10-1 years to build a Rolls Royce…and 1.3 x 101 hours to build a Toyota. How many Toyotas could you make during the time it takes to build one Rolls Royce? (Hint: There are 4380 hours in 6 months) Express your answer in standard form

You could make about 337 Toyotas in the time it takes to build one Rolls Royce.


Double Jeopardy: 800 points +/- with SN

In last year's Super Bowl, Americans spent about $184 million on potato chips and $40 million on pretzels. How much more money did Americans spend on potato chips than pretzels? Express your answer in scientific notation.

$1.44 x 105


There are 3.74 x 109 sticks of chewing gum made each year. If each person in the class were to chew an equal amount of these, how many pieces would each person chew? (Let's assume there are 25 people in the class) Express your answer in scientific notation.

Each student would chew 1.496 x 108 pieces of gum.


Drake made about $20,500,000 last year. The average amount of hours worked in a year is 2080. About how much did Drake make per hour? Write your answer in scientific notation.

Drake made $9.855 x 103 per hour in 2013


It takes Uranus 6.0155 x 104 days to travel around the sun. The average person lives 70 years. About how many human life times would it take for Uranus to travel around the sun? Write your answer in scientific notation

About 8.59 x 102 lifetimes.


On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year. Also, more than 6,000 people with pillow-related injuries check into U.S. emergency rooms every year. How many more times a year do people have pillow related injuries than people who choke on ballpoint pens? Express your answer in scientific notation.

There are 6.0 x 101 times more pillow related injuries than ball point pen death incidents.


Rockets legend, Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon, has 3.83 x 103 blocks in his NBA career. How many blocks did he average per game if he played 1238 games in his career? Express your answer in standard form.

3.09 blocks per game


According to McDonald's, they sell 75 burgers every second of every minute of every hour of every single day. How many burgers do they sell in a year? Write your answer in scientific notation.

2.3652 x 109 burgers sold in a year


Altogether, Batman movies have made $4,505,233,000 around the world. The Dark Knight Rises made $1.080472 x 109 and The Dark Knight made $1,002,000,000. How much money did movies besides The Dark Knight Rises and The Dark Knight make? Write your answer in standard form.

Other Batman movies made $2,422,761,000
