A period of cultural, economic, and scientific discovery in Arab Caliphates.
Islamic Golden Age
This institution, known for its slow acceptance of Copernicus' heliocentric theory, played a significant role in shaping scientific thought during the Renaissance and beyond
Catholic Church
This Italian scientist used observation and experimentation to challenge traditional views of science, and he discovered the four moons of Jupiter.
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This term refers to the process of individuals or groups learning from each other and sharing knowledge and ideas
Collective Learning
Which works were used as a foundation by Islamic scholars?
Classical (Greek and Roman)
This period from the 1300s to the early 1500s saw a renewed interest in the ideas of ancient Greek thinkers, which contributed to the questioning of traditional scientific beliefs.
This Polish astronomer proposed the heliocentric theory, stating that the sun, not the Earth, was the center of the universe
This British naturalist and biologist proposed the theory of evolution through natural selection in his groundbreaking work 'On the Origin of Species.
Charles Darwin
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This movement, influenced by the Scientific Revolution, emphasized the power of reason and critical thinking to improve society
This instrument, used by Galileo, allowed him to observe the moons of Jupiter and the mountainous surface of the Moon
This prevailing cosmological model, supported by various lines of evidence, suggests that the universe originated from a highly dense and hot state approximately 13.8 billion years ago
The Big Bang Theory
The name of the special record that represents Earth's diverse cultures and sounds, carried by spacecrafts
Voyagers Golden Record
Who created Algebra?
After publishing his book criticizing the works of Aristotle and Ptolemy, Galileo was arrested, imprisoned, and tried for heresy by this institution
Papal Inquisition
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This accidental discovery by Alexander Fleming revolutionized medicine by introducing the first antibiotic, which effectively fought against bacterial infections
This ancient astronomer's geocentric model of the universe, widely accepted during the Middle Ages, placed the Earth at the center with celestial bodies moving in crystal spheres
Which Islamic scholar published important medical works such as the Canon of Medicine
Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
This religious thinker, known for challenging the Catholic Church's authority, criticized Copernicus' work on astronomy.
Martin Luther
This German astronomer, known for his precise observations, supported the heliocentric theory and accurately calculated the orbital paths of planets
This area of knowledge developed by multiple scientists including Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Erwin Schrödinger, describes the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels
Quantum Mechanics
This medieval approach aimed to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology, creating harmony between religious beliefs and natural philosophy