Father of modern economics
Adam Smith
Wrote "On Crimes and Punishments", advocating for reform in criminal justice system.
Cesare Beccaria
Ruled Russia with absolute authority but did seek to reform Russia. Did very little to help Russian peasants.
Catherine the Great
This German philosopher argued in Critique of Pure Reason that knowledge arises from a synthesis of sensory experience and innate concepts, famously stating, "Dare to know!"
Who is Immanuel Kant?
What does Defenestration mean?
Daily Double: Correctly tell me the city that this happened in and what happened
To throw someone out a window
Ruled Austria and actually put an end to serfdom, but was later undone after his death.
Joseph II
A Treatise of Human Nature (1739–1740) is a foundational philosophical work that explores human psychology, epistemology, and morality. Who wrote it?
Who is David Hume?
Who is the father of empiricism?
Daily Double: what is empiricism?
Francis Bacon
method based on observation, experimentation, and inductive reasoning. Knowledge is gained through experience
This French philosopher and editor of the Encyclopédie aimed to compile and spread knowledge to promote reason and challenge traditional authority during the Enlightenment.
Who is Denis Diderot?
This world leader once corresponded with Voltaire and considered adopting a new legal code based on Montesquieu’s principles, but ultimately failed to fully implement it due to resistance from the nobility.
Catherine the Great