How Scientist Work
Scientific Thinking
Scientific Method
Scientific Method II
Scientific Method III
When Scientists group information into categories they are ? A. Analyzing B. Making Models C. Classifying D. Observing
What is C. Observing
A conclusion based on too little data is called A. Cultural Bias B. Deductive Reasoning C. Personal Bias D. Faulty Reasoning
What is D. Faulty Reasoning
A Scientific __________________ is a proposed explanation that can be tested.
What is Hypothesis.
A(n) _______________________________ is a factor that changes as a result of a change in variables in an experiment.
What is Dependent or Responding Variable
When you perform Scientific Research you should look for information that is __________________.
What is Reliable (from Government or University Internet sites and Scientific Journals.)
Fining the length of a caterpillar is 4.5 centimeters is an _____________ Observation. Qualitative Observation Or Quantitative Observation
What is Quantitative Observation
The scientific attitude of having doubt is called ? A. Open-Mindedness B. Curiosity C. Honesty D. Skepticism
What is D. Skepticism
A(n) ____________________ is the factor that is deliberately changed in an experiment.
What is Manipulate or Independent Variable
Facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through, observations are called A. Conclusions B. Data C. Predictions D. Hypotheses
What is B.Data
A _____________________ should have only one independent or Manipulated Variable.
What is a Controlled Experiment
How do scientists use observations to make predictions?
What is Observing means using one or more of your senses to gather information, using the information gathered you then make a prediction which is a statement or claim about what will happen in the future based on your past experience and evidence.
Empirical Evidence is data and Observations that have been collected through A. the internet B. Inferring C. Scientific Processes D. the imagination
What is C. Scientific Processes
A ____________________ is a well tested explanation for a wide range of observations.
What is a Conclusion
A Scientific Hypothesis must be ____________________.
What is testable
A ____________________ is either supported or unsupported by the results of an investigation.
What is Hypothesis
When a scientist is evaluating they are ?
What is comparing observations and date to reach a conclusion.
Why do Scientists need a strong sense of ethics?
What is Good Scientists always report their observations and results truthfully. Honesty is very important when a scientists results go against previous ideas or predictions. Having a strong sense of ethics will allow scientists to consider all the effects their research may have on people and the environment. They make decisions only after considering the risks and benefits.
When Might a Scientist use a Model?
What is Sometimes scientist study things that are very large, very small, or that occur over a very long period of time. In such cases then a model might be used to allow scientist to study the subject in detail easily.
A scientific study proves that frozen fruit is more nutritious than canned fruit. What questions would you want answered before you accept this claim?
What is See test results with data supporting this hypothesis, done by multiple scientists with the same results.
What is a Scientific Theory?
What is a well-tested and widely accepted explanation of observations and experimental results.
What's the difference between inferences and predictions?
What is Inferences are attempts to explain what is happening or has happened, while predictions are statements of claims about what will happen.
Describe the three types of bias that can influence a scientists experiment?
What is Personal Bias, Cultural Bias, and Experimental Bias. Personal Bias is allowing a persons likes and dislikes to influence how they think about something. Cultural Bias is where the culture in which a person grows up in affects the way the person thinks. Experimental Bias is a mistake in the design of an experiment that makes a certain result more likely.
What is an Scientific Law?
What is a description of observed patterns in nature without trying to explain those patterns. i.e. gravity, all objects in the universe are attracted to each other.
Why do scientists review each others work?
What is Before results are published other scientists will look for sources of error, bias, faulty data interpretation and conclusions to help prevent any unreliable results from being published.
What would an example of Quantitative observation and Qualitative observation be from the school cafeteria?
What is Quantitative would be 5 buyers, six packers Qualitative would be students eat only the red apples, and left the green apples.