What movie is Johnny from?
Sing or Sing 2
Something that is white and yellow and you eat in the morning. It comes from a chicken.
An Egg
What day is it?
March 1st, 2024
One plus Four
Spell the ANSWER
F i v e
What animal says BARK BARK in English, but HUF HUF in Czech?
What movie is about Simba, and has the song "The Circle of Life"
Apples, Oranges, Bananas, and Kiwi are what type of food?
Monday is before Tuesday, Tuesday is before Wednesday, Wednesday is before Thursday, Thursday is before __________.
Spell the ANSWER
F r i d a y
Four plus Five
Spell the ANSWER
N i n e
What animals hops around and lives in Australia?
What game is about making things with blocks?
An Italian style food that can be long or short, fat or thin, straight or curly, bowtie or elbow?
Yesterday was a LEAP DAY (February 29th). This happens every four years. In what year is the next LEAP DAY?
Thirty-Seven minus Twenty
Spell the ANSWER
S e v e n t e e n
A family pet that loves to sleep in the sun, has whiskers, pointy ears, a tail, and goes MEOW MEOW.
This web-shooting person has many movies and video games about them?
Popular American food that goes like this:
Top Bun
Tomato and Onion and Lettuce
Ketchup and Mustard
Bottom Bun
What time do we finish class today?
AT 10:10
Twelve plus eight
Spell the ANSWER
T w e n t y
These animals fly in the sky and have feathers and lay eggs.
Britt's favourite video game series that has a few movies and one tv show!
Final Fantasy
Britt's birthday is in what month?
Fifty times Two
Spell the ANSWER
O n e H u n d r e d
What are the names of Britt's dogs?
Fox and Lola