Financial Statement Analysis Easy
FABM and Bookkeeping Review

According to the Business Mirror article that we took up in class, financial literacy is the ability of individuals to effectively apply skills for efficient management of personal finances, investment, and _____. Clue: this is something you do with your allowance.

What is budgeting?


Gross Profit over Sales

What is Gross Profit Margin?


According to Philippine Accounting Standards, a complete set of financial statements consists of a statement of financial position, a statement of comprehensive income, a statement of changes in equity, a statement of cash flows, and notes about significant accounting policies. The statement of financial position is also known as ___.

What is balance sheet?


According to Bangko Sentral Deputy Governor Bernadette Romulo-Puyat, a financially healthy person is one who can meet financial needs and obligations, absorb shocks, reach goals, and achieve financial control and _______. Clue: this is the job of the people who work at the entrances of our buildings.

What is security?


Operating Profit over Sales

What is Operating Profit Margin?


The statement of _____ presents a summary of the changes in capital, such as investments, profit or loss, and withdrawals during a specific period.

What is changes in equity?


The Bangko Sentral is collaborating with industry partners like BPI Foundation to develop tools for educating teachers and students in financial literacy. The BSP has developed a future-oriented approach by launching Personal Finance 101, a course module designed to develop the financial decision-making skills of ______ before they join the workforce. Clue: this is what many of you want to become.

What are college students?


Net Profits over Sales

What is Net Profit Margin?


The statement of _____ reports the amount of cash received and disbursed during a specific period.

What is cash flow?


According to the 2014 S&P Global Financial Literacy Survey, only ____ percent of adult Filipinos are literate on the basics of finance. Clue: this is how old Taylor Alison Swift was on December 13 of the year she released her album 1989.

What is 25?


The ability of a business to generate income

What is profitability?


The statement of cash flows shows cash flows from three kinds of activities: operating, investing, and financing. ____ activities generally involve providing services, and producing and delivering goods.

What is operating?


For the 2014 S&P Global Financial Literacy Survey, financial literacy involves knowing four basic financial concepts: numeracy or interest, risk diversification, compound interest, and _____. Clue: this is about the increase of prices.

What is inflation?


The ability of a business to meet its current or short-term obligations

What is liquidity?


The statement of cash flows shows cash flows from three kinds of activities: operating, investing, and financing. ____ activities involve making and collecting loans, and the buying and selling of property and other productive assets.

What is investing?
