What's in your toolkit?
In or Out?
Questions we ask ourselves
A better resource might be...
Another better resource might be..

PARR 'Resolution' when the customer question is considered outside the scope of support and the CSS provided alternatives to achieve their goal.

What is Out of Scope - Directed to Alternative 

"I'm trying to set up the MailChimp data sync but I'm having trouble with the field mappings. Can someone help me figure out which fields I need to map to MailChimp fields?" 

IN Scope 


Is this issue local to...?



Service/Team to help customers move data from their old CRM to HubSpot

What is CRM Data Migrations? 


A customer might purchase this service if they're looking for help with implementing their custom integration solution in HubSpot. 

What is Technical Consulting? 


PARR 'Resolution' when the customer question is considered outside the scope of support and the CSS resolved the customers issue. 

What is Out of Scope - Resolved? 


"I want to add a new font to use on my HubSpot pages - how can I go about adding a new font?"  

IN Scope 

(We have a KB that walks customers through how to make these changes to add custom font to their pages)


Question to ask when determining if making edits to a page template is in or out of scope 

What is who created this template? 


You would go here if you were looking to discuss workarounds or other alternative approaches to HubSpot with fellow developers. 

What is the Developer Forum? (or Developer Community) 


A hands-on learning experience with live instructors designed to provide everything you need to optimize your HubSpot tools.

What is customer training?


You'd go here to find ecosystem of businesses that offer marketing, sales, web design, and CRM implementation services for HubSpot customers.

What is the HubSpot Solutions Directory?


"How can I change the background color of my custom module?"

OUT of Scope 

HS Support does not support custom code. However, with respect to design issues, we will investigate, diagnose, and provide recommendations based on your content's context


Framework for determining if an issue is in "scope"

What is the Decision Making Framework?


Strategic advisors to our Customers, who help them maximize their value with HubSpot. Customers pay for these services. 

What is Inbound Consulting? 


Specific Partner recommendations to help customers with integration and App development

What is Developer Partners? 


You would go here to find the contact information for a 3rd party integration provider

What is the integration's App Marketplace listing?


"I am using the API to create contacts but for some reason when I add the "name" property I am getting an error. What am I doing wrong? Here's my request:" 

IN Scope 

HS Support will work to interpret error messages and diagnose technical issues to determine whether the issue is HubSpot-side


The guiding principal of "making exceptions in the interest of SFTC"

What is the level of urgency/friction? 


Customers can purchase this service to work with HubSpot consultants on strategic and technical HubSpot projects to match organizational initiatives

What is Outcome Based Services? 


Team that helps customers to go live with their website & blog migrations, managing email template rebuilds, and creating custom email templates optimized for and within the HubSpot Platform

What is Replatforming Services?  
