The March on Washington was for Jobs and Freedom – civil rights leaders wanted to pressure the president to sign the ______ ______ Act. They were concerned about jobs for African-Americans.
What are Civil Rights?
The check is compared to promises made to all men in the ________, the bad ______is the lack of equality.
What are constitution and check?
__ ______compares the current times to a threshold, justice to a palace, desire for freedom to a thirst, and impatience for equality that leads to violence to a cup of bitterness and hatred.
Who is Dr. King?
The “great American” Dr. King refers to is _______ ________ – they are standing by the ________ Memorial.
What is Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln?
100 years after slavery was abolished, African-Americans still suffered from segregation, separating them from others, coupled with enduring continued _________ in many aspects of their lives. (We need the word that we talked about having two meanings)
What is discrimination?
He compares slavery to flames, the ________ ________ to daybreak and slavery to a long night.
What is Emancipation Proclamation?
__ ______says that justice is bankrupt and compares freedom to riches and justice to security.
What is Dr. King?
Dr. King compares persecution to storms, police brutality to winds, his listeners who have suffered during this battle to ________.
What are veterans?
The ________ __________is a proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln that went into effect on January 1, 1863, declaring freedom for all slaves in states still in rebellion against the federal government.
What is Emancipation Proclamation?
The “check” that Dr. King refers to is the promise of equality that was guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence – equal access to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of__________.”
What is happiness?
_________was separating races in areas like restrooms, restaurants, schools, etc.
What is Segregation?
________ means doing things slowly and gradually – specifically, that African-Americans were asked to be happy with gradually earning their civil rights.
What is gradualism?
“Interposition” and “nullification” mean (in this context) that the governor is trying to go against something that will give African-Americans their ______ ______.
What are Civil Rights?
“The flames of withering injustice” refers to ________– the act of a person owning another person.
What is slavery?
The Declaration of Independence said that all men are ______. Yet, when African-Americans expect the government and people to honor this promise, they are told that they are not considered _______, so they in effect, do not have the same opportunities and are therefore, not _________. (Same word all three times)
What is equal?
__________is unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc.(This word has more than one meaning)
What is Discrimination?
He compares _________ to a tranquilizing drug, segregation to a desolate valley, racial justice to a sunlit path, racial injustice to quicksand, and brotherhood to a solid rock. (Slow going)
What is gradualism?
Dr. King compares injustice and oppression to oppressive ______, freedom and justice to an oasis, despair to a mountain, hope to a stone, the current disagreement in the country to jangling discords, brotherhood (a stop to the disagreement) to a symphony. (This is a hot one)
What is heat?
The _________ ________gave hope to slaves who had been treated badly. (Lincoln’s Executive Order.
What is Emancipation Proclamation?
African-Americans need to press on in their quest for_____ ______, and not slow down or give up.
What are civil rights?
Dr. King compares segregation to m______, discrimination to c_____, and poverty to a lonely ______in the middle of an ocean of prosperity.
What is Manacles, chains, and island?
Dr. King compares the past of inequality to a sweltering ________, the time of freedom and equality to an “invigorating autumn,” revolt to whirlwinds, and justice to a bright day.
What is summer?
A “_______” is a religious (generally Christian) songs that were created by enslaved African people in the United States.
What is Spiritual?
At this time, African-Americans were forbidden to eat, drink, travel, study, stay with other races, and be separated in all things. This was called ________.
What is segregation?
The “________” dream is that any hardworking American can have a happy, safe, healthy life and be successful economically, no matter how their life begins.
What is American?