Sling Shot
Our dates for Classical Antiquity are . . . .
What is a. 3100 BCE to 500 CE b. 500 toe 1400 CE c. 1400 to 1600 CE d. 1820 to 1900
There is no year ______ in this scheme, so the year AD one immediately follows the year one BC. This dating system was devised in 525, but was not widely used until after 800.
What is a. Zero b. Two c. Four d. Six
500 to 1400 CE are our subjective dates for the _____ ________.
What is a. Renaissance History b. Baroque Period c. Classical Antiquity d. Dark Ages
The large marble David was made (when?)
What is a. Between 1501- 1504 (restored in 2003-2004) b. Between 1201- 1204 (restored in 2003-2004) c. Between 1301- 1304 (restored in 2003-2004) d. Between 1401- 1404 (restored in 2003-2004)
The _______ returned to the ideas of classical antiquity (Ancient Greece and Rome).
What is a. Baroque b. Renaissance c. Middle Ages d. Romantics
The term ______ ________is Medieval Latin, which means in the year of the Lord, but is often translated as in the year of our Lord.
What is a. Carpe diem b. Sine que non c. anno Domini d. Dulce cabana
A/An _______ can be a moment in time, and much more. . .
What is a. Decade b. Century c. Epoch d. Millennium
The label _____ ______employs traditional light-versus-darkness imagery to contrast the “darkness” of the period with earlier and later periods of “light.”
What is a. Renaissance History b. Baroque Period c. Classical Antiquity d. Dark Ages
David is he located . . .
What is a. in Florence, Italy b. in Florence, Kentucky c. in Venice, Italy d. in Rome, Italy
Masters of the Renaissance include Leonardo da Vinci, __________, Donatello, and Rafael.
What is a. van Gogh b. Rembrandt c. Michelangelo d. Picasso
AD is occasionally set out more fully as anno Domini nostril Iesu (or Jesu) Chisti (in the year of our Lord_______ ________).
What is a. Judas Pries b. Jesus Christ c. John the Baptist d. Prophet Muhamad
The Dark Ages is a term of historical periodization traditionally meaning the _____ _______.
What is a. Renaissance History b. Baroque Period c. Classical Antiquity d. Middle Ages
David is about _____ feet tall.
What is a. (almost 7 feet, a shy short at 6 feet and 11.15 inches) b. 5.16 meters (almost 17 feet, a shy short at 16 feet and 11.15 inches)
__________bronze statue of David (circa 1440) is famous as the first unsupported standing work of bronze cast during the Renaissance, and the first freestanding nude male sculpture made since antiquity.
What is a. Leonardo’s b. Rafael’s c. Picasso’s d. Donatello’s
The terms anno Domini (AD or A. D.) and _____ ________ (BC or B. C.) are also used to label or number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
What is a. before Christ b. Before Common c. Bold Decision d. Anno domini
The Dark Ages emphasizes the cultural and economic deterioration that supposedly occurred in Western Europe following the decline of the ______ ________. (476 CE) (476 AD)
What is a. Ottoman Empire b. Turkish Empire c. Roman Empire d. Byzantine
The period is characterized by a relative scarcity of historical and other written records at least for some areas of ________, rendering it obscure to historians.
What is a. China b. Ukraine c. Europe d. Australia
The big David is made of
What is a. Clay b. Gold c. One single block of marble from the quarries in Carrara in Tuscany, one of the whitest in the world d. Pewter The big David weighs about . . .
____________ Bronze David has an enigmatic smile, posed with his foot on Goliath’s severed head just after defeating the giant.
What is a. Leonardo’s b. Rafael’s c. Picasso’s d. Donatello’s
This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus Christ of_________, with AD counting years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the era.
What is a. Capernaum b. Nazareth c. Philippi d. Rome
3100 BCE-500 CE are our subjective dates for ________ ________.
What is a. Renaissance History b. Baroque Period c. Classical Antiquity d. Middle ages
__________ made the David.
What is a. Leonardo b. Michelangelo c. Donatello d. Rafael
The big David weight about . . .
What is a. 12,478.12 pounds b. 1200 pounds c. 120,000 pounds d. No one knows
Enigmatic means __________. a. Cheap b. Expensive c. Mysterious d. Mean 50. The youth (David) is completely _______, apart from a laurel topped hat and boots, bearing the sword of Goliath.
What is a. Green b. Blue c. Nude d. Clothed