First Aid
Scout Rank Requirements
Camping/Tread Lightly

A method used to permanently prevent a natural fiber rope from fraying. 

What is whipping?


A component of most first aid kits used to treat blisters.

What is moleskin?


Do a good turn daily

What is the Scout slogan?


Under a dead tree, on uneven ground, on top of lots of rocks, or areas vulnerable to flooding.

What are places you would not want to put your tent?


A bucket full of hot soapy water, a bucket full of clear hot water, and a bucket full of cold water and bleach.

What are the components of the 3 bucket system?


The knot used to start lashings.

What is a clove hitch?


Keep the victim calm, and wash the wound. Keep the wound at the same level as the heart and call 911. If help is not nearby, carry the victim to medical attention. Continue to keep the victim calm and treat for shock.

How do you treat a venomous snakebite?


The second line of the outdoor code.

What is "Be clean in my outdoor manners"?


The side of the road you hike on if you are hiking next to a highway/road.

What is the left side?


Three different factors to consider when planning a campout menu.

What is (3 of the following) length of the trip, number of scouts, diet restrictions, budget, activities planned, and what cooking equipment will we have available?


The type of knot used to join two ropes together.

What is a bend?


Call 911. Don't remove clothing or apply any creams or ointments. Wrap a clean, dry cloth around the injury and treat for shock until medical help arrives. The victim might not feel pain due to nerve damage.

How do you treat a third degree burn?


Your patrol yell.

What is (Answers will vary)?


You should always ask permission before entering this part of a campsite.

What is an axeyard?


The distance from streams, lakes or other open water that you should dispose of dishwater.

What is 200 feet/75 steps?


Make a small overhand loop, then pull the running end through while still leaving a loop. Bring the running end under the standing part and back through your first loop.

How do you tie a bowline?


Look for deformity, open wounds, tenderness and swelling. Always treat for this kind of injury if there is tenderness directly over the bone.

What is a fracture/broken bone?


The four steps of scout advancement.

What is "You learn, you are tested, you are reviewed, and you are recognized"?


A common poisonous plant with stems of three leaflets that turn bright red in the fall. It grows as a woody vine or shrub.

What is poison oak?


The temperature at which chicken is safe to eat.

What is 165 degrees Fahrenheit?


Form an underhand loop with a pole/tent stake in the eye, then wrap the running end around the standing part inside the loop twice. Form an underhand loop around the opposite side of the standing part outside of the loop and pull it through.

How do you tie a taut-line hitch?


The five most common signs of a heart attack.

What is unusual sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, a feeling of weakness, and pain in the center of the chest?


The description of the first class scout badge and its meaning.

What is an eagle with a shield that represents a scout's freedom and their readiness to protect that freedom, two stars symbolizing scouting's ideals of truth and knowledge, a scroll displaying the scout motto shaped as a smile, and a knot representing a daily good turn?


The five principles of Tread Lightly.

What is travel responsibly, respect the rights of others, educate yourself, avoid sensitive areas, and do your part?


Three different precautions to prevent burns in the kitchen.

What is (3 of the following) using oven mitts, keeping your face away from steaming pots, wearing close-toed shoes, making sure stoves are level and pots are centered, standing back when cooking spattering foods, and keeping flammable objects away from the camp stoves?
