Camping & Hiking
First Aid
Knives, Saws & Axes
Knots & Lashings
Campfires & Stoves

This fabric is not good for chilly, rainy, or snowy conditions.

What is cotton? (pg. 241)


On USGS maps, it is the color that indicates water, like ponds, lakes, streams and rivers.

What is Blue? (pg. 335)


When a victim has stopped breathing, has no heartbeat, is bleeding severely, has ingested poison, showing sign of stroke or has suffered a spinal injury is considered to be this.

What is a hurry case? (pg.115)


This covers ax and saw blades at all times when not in use.

What is sheath (pg. 382-5)


Tying this knot is as simple as: right over left, left over right

What is the square knot? (pg. 365)


The card that grants a Scout the right to carry matches, build campfires and use camp stoves.

What is the Fireman's Chit (pg. 423)


When pitching your tent, you want to stay away from this.

What are: dead trees or limbs; streams, gullies & flood plains; hilltops & lone trees (lightning targets); and game trails? (pg.265)


This is what you look at on a map when trying to find out elevation?

What are contour lines. (pg.336)


If you suspect a stroke, think F.A.S.T. (which stands for?)

What is: 

F= face

A= arm

S= speech

T= time                       



Used for most of your outdoor wood cutting and produces the clean cut.

What is a camp saw? (pg. 382)


The process of keeping a cut end of a natural fiber rope from unraveling

What is whipping? (pg. 361)


The three materials needed to build a fire.

What is tinder, kindling and fuel wood? (pg. 388)


This is how you hike next to a highway or road.

What is single-file and on the left side, facing the traffic. (pg.253)


On an orienteering course, these are the brightly colored flags or cards marking a destination.

What are control points? (pg. 350)


Redness, warmth, tenderness, swelling, and green or yellow fluid can be signs of this.

 What are the signs of an infection? (pg.125)


Used to "chop" wood and to split wood into kindling.

What is an ax (pg. 383)


This is the lashing used to bind two poles together at 45-90 degree angles.

What is the square lashing? (pg. 373-4)


Used when campfires are not permitted or you when you don't want to blacken your cooking gear with soot.

What is a camp stove? (pg. 392)


These are items that you would put into a bear bag.

What is anything with a scent that may attract animals. (ex: food, juice bottles, garbage, soap, shampoo, deodorant, lotions, toothbrushes and toothpaste, sunscreen, lip balm, insect repellent, first-aid kits. pg. 284)


This is one of the 6 categories of map symbols

What is:

Land Surfaces Features -OR-

Buildings & Related Freatures -OR-

Elevation -OR-

Roads, Railroads, & other Features -OR-

Water Features -OR-

Boundaries (pg.334)


The four-handed seat will help you do this.

What is a way to move an injured or ill person. (pg.150)


When making a long-term camp, this is the roped-off area to safely use axes and saws.

What is an ax yard (pg. 384)


This lashing is used to join two poles together, side by side, to extend their length.

What is the round lashing? (pg. 377)


The three ingredients a fires needs. (S.T.E.M.)

What is oxygen, heat and fuel? (pg. 391)


These make every outdoor adventure better and in an emergency, can help get you out of a jam.

What are the 10 outdoor essentials, including: pocketknife, rain gear, trail food, flashlight, extra clothing, first-aid kit, sun protection, map and compass, matches and fire starters, and a water bottle. (pg. 238-239)


It is the star used to true north and is found above the "Big Dipper."

What is Polaris (or North Star)? (pg. 354)


These are common signs of a heart attack?

What is pain/pressure in the center of the chest, unusual sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, and feeling weak. (pg.119)


When passing a knife, saw or ax to another person, these are the words that signal the other person has a firm grip and you may release your hold.

That is "Thank you"? (pg. 385)


The names of the three important building blocks of pioneering projects, pictured here.

What are the A-trestle, X-trestle and H-trestle? (pg. 375)


These can help get a fire going by propping them upright among the kindling.

What are fuzz sticks? (pg.389)
