the product of 2 and 2
what is four
the person who invented scouts
who is W.D Boyce
creator of minecraft
who is notch
the number of ranks in scouting
how many is seven
the number of citizenship merit badges there are
how many is 4
the non-acryonym form of PEMDAS
parenthesis, exponets, multiplication, divisiom, addition, and subtraction
the the boy scouts of america was founded
when was 1910
the inventor of the famous E=mc2
who is albert einstein
knots used to bring 2 objects together(like 2 sticks) or build shelter
what is a lashing
the newest merit badge added
what is citizenship in the society
first four digits of "pi"
what is 3.141
the legend surrounding the founding of BSA
"Boyce was lost on a foggy street in London when an unknown Scout came to his aid, guiding him back to his destination. The boy then refused Boyce's tip, explaining that he was merely doing his duty as a Boy Scout. It is said that immediately afterward, Boyce met with General Robert Baden-Powell, who was the head of the Boy Scout Association"
primary writer of the constition
who is james madison
when you reverse a square knot it is called this
what is a granny knot
how many is 21
the equivalent number to "i"
what is the square root of -1
the first creator of the scout handbook
who is baden powell
the general of the confedarte army
who is robert e lee
the reason boyce was in london before he made BSA
what is a safari
how much is 57
the postulate in the book elements that is rarely mentioned and hints at hidden universes
what is the 5th postulate
the year the boy scouts association was founded
when was 1908
the company who invented the thermal plating for the apollo mission
what is AVCO
the first ever eagle scout for BSA
who is arthur eldred
the total number of merit badges
how many is 138