this is the offical name of boy scout symbol
what is the fleur-de-lis
This scout bcame the owner of microsoft
Who is Bill Gates
This football player recited the scout oath after scoring a touchdown
Who is David Montgomery
This is the number of countries that scouting is recogonized
What is girls guiding?
In 2017 Scouts BSA made this announcement
What is girls would be allowed?
where is scouting the most populor
what is indonisa.
The French scout motto translate to this
What is "Guides and Scouts always ready"
What is 21
what is the rarest scouting award.
what is the Honnor medal with the crossed palm
how many eagle scouts are there world wide
over 2.5 million
who is Jeremy Guthrie:
Scout was introduced in this country in 1909 by a college professor
What is Japan
This merit badge has always been on the mandatory list for eagle scout
What is first aid
This is the second country that scouting started in
what is chile
the first American scouting jamboree was held after what epidemic
the Polio epidemic
who is this actor but allso an eagle scout
who is Ryan Renolds
31 Million people are active in scouting across the world, that's relatively equal to the population of the following country
What is Peru
what is the hardest merit badge to complete
what is comuncation
These were the original scout ranks
What is tenderfoot, second class and first class
who was the only Presdent offocialy recogonized to be an eagle scout.
who is Presdent Gerald R Ford
who is this popular basket ball player but allso a scout
who is michel jordan
These 3 countries don't have scouting
What is China, Cuba, Laos, N. Korea, and Andorra
only 10 scouts hold this merit badge
what is the inventing merit badge.