who was the founder of the boy scouts?
Lord Baden Powell
what goes on the left chest pocket?
the rank patch
how do you treat choking?
heimlich manuver
name one thing you should have on every scouting outing.
water, first aid kit, day pack, etc
what does a scout do every day?
a good turn/deed
how old must you me to join boy scouts?
11 OR 10 with arrow of light
on which arm does the american flag patch go?
Stopped Breathing, Serious Bleeding, & Internal Poisoning are what?
hurry cases
what is the most basic knot?
what is the bsa motto?
be prepared
what is the first rank?
(new) scout
where are the leadership knots located on a leader's uniform?
above the right chest pocket
what is something you should do in almost all medical cases?
treat for shock
what knot starts and ends most lashings?
clove hitch
what is the 9th point of the scout law?
how many merrit badges are required for eagle?
21 or 13
what does the scroll on the first class badge say?
be prepared
Uncomfortable pressure in the chest, nausea, seating, shortness of breath are signs of what?
heart attack
what must you have to usa axes in saws in the BSA
totin chip
what does a scout do at ALL times
help other people
in what year were the boy scouts founded in america?
what does a red, white and blue leader knot symbolize?
the leader earned eagle scout
A broken bone where the bone is piercing through the skin is known as a what?
compound (open) fracture
what is the first thing you must do in any first aid emergency?
in your own words explain what it means to be "conservation minded"