What is Be Prepared?
The scout motto
What is my (Alex) preferred email address.
What does JASM stand for?
Jr. Assistant Scoutmaster
What is a SMART goal?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and Time-Bound
What is TST?
Troop Sign-Off Training, a program to sign off on others.
What does NYLT stand for and how does it benifit scouts?
National Youth Leadership Training - (answers very)
What is the name and rank of your Patrol Members
1910 - Baden Powell
What is Slack, and why should you join it?
Who is the Order of the Arrow rep? (He gives “cool“ speeche)
Alex Schueppert
Why do the boy scouts not pay taxes?
They are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
What is a large, festive gathering of Boy Scouts Worldwide? (Include the next one (location and date)
World Jamboree - Poland, 2027 (July 28 to August 8th)
Boy Scouts Of America Was Rebranded in 2019, and soon to come 2024. What are both rebrands?
Scouting BSA, and Scouting America
What is Two-Deep Com. and what are the proper outlines.
Answers very
List the next three Campouts.
October: Big Bend
November: SIX FLAGS!!!
December: Enchanted Rock
What is the Outdoor Code?
As an American, I will do my best to –
Merit Badges are based off of what?
How many total Merit Badges are there?
How many scouts have their uniform on correctly?
Who is the leadership Chair?
Ms. Kilgard
What is scouts' Life?
A scouting Magazine
How many presidents achieved the rank of eagle scout?
Only One
What movie did Boy Scouts help make?
Victory Gardens
Using this rope, tie a Half-Hitch Knot
Who is in the following positions:
Advancement Chair
Service Hour Chair
MB Coordinator
Advancement Chair: Ms. Mutti
Service Hour Chair: Ms. McMillin
MB Coordinator: Mr. Felger