What is used for shelter on a camping trip?
What is a tent.
Who should a scout always have?
What is a buddy!
What color are football goalposts?
What is yellow
What Den has the youngest scouts?
What is Lions.
What shape is a croissant?
What is a crescent / C shape
What plant causes a Bad Rash?
What is Poison Oak/Ivy
What grade do you have to be to join scouts BSA?
What is 5th grade
How many bases are on a baseball field?
What is 4
How many dens are in a pack?
What is 6
How long is 1 Day in hours?
What is 24 Hours
What is a natural substitute for a compass?
What is the sun.
How many days do you spend at summer Camps?
What is 7 days!
How many people from each team can be on a basketball court at a time?
What is 5 people
What is the highest rank in Cub Scouts?
What is Arrow of light.
Who is the best Cubmaster?
Who is Mr. Brian!
What are the two main types of fish bait?
What is worms and power bait.
What is the highest rank in scouting?
What is Eagle Scout?
What is the Tour de France?
What is a Bike Race
What event do we race homemade wooden cars?
What is the Pinewood Derby
What temperature do you need to cook chicken to make it safe to eat
What is 165 F
What activity involves walking in nature?
What is hiking.
What year was scouting started?
A. 1946
C. 2021
D. 32 A.D
What is B. 1907
What sport is the only sport to be played on the moon?
What is Golf
What allows cubs to carry/use pocket knives in scouting activities?
What is a Whittling’ chip
What is 2