Real Jeopardy Scouting Questions
Council History
Summer Camp
Merit Badges
Famous Scouts
Scout Songs

When asked “For what?” with regard to this motto of the Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell said, “Why, for any old thing.”

What is Be Prepared?


This man, with the help of fellow Rotarians Robert Bentley and Archer Bowden, founded the council in Santa Clara County in 1920. 

Who is John Crummey?


This park on San Jose's east side was one of the original council camping locations. 

What is Alum Rock Park


That’s a GPS unit on the badge for this 10-letter orienteering hobby.

What is Geocaching?


This Eagle Scout film director depicted Indiana Jones as a Boy Scout in “The Last Crusade.”

Who is Steven Spielberg?


While often attributed to Baden-Powell, this song is based on the Scandinavian spelling of the word "gibberish" 

What is Ging Gang Goolie?


A clove hitch is useful in camping; tie a rope to your sack of food, which you’ll hang high to make this alliterative “bag.”

What is a Bear bag?


After branching out from the Santa Clara County Council, the Monterey Bay Council was assigned this number by the national office. 

What is 31?


Camp Arroyo Sequoia was a jointly held camp by the recently split councils in this mountain range.

What is the Santa Cruz Mountains?


To qualify for a Bugling merit badge, a Scout must know 15 calls, including this one sounded at the end of the day.

What is Taps?

For an incredible 50 years, 1926-76, he illustrated the official Boy Scout calendar.

Who is Norman Rockwell?


Made internationally famous by Jason Stein, this song features the famous monster from Mary Shelley's famous novel by the same name. 

What is Frankenstein?


Since 1974, mulch from this annual Rockefeller Center sight has gone to Boy Scouts to use as ground cover in camps.

What is Christmas tree?


In 1940, the northern cities of Santa Clara county applied for a charter to operate a council using the name of this learning institution. 

What is Stanford? 


This camp, used by the council from 1924-1930, was named after one of the developers of the Santa Cruz beach board walk. 

What is Camp Swanton?


Making a plankton net and drawing a trench and seamount are two steps to your Boy Scout merit badge in this.

What is Oceanography?


This home run smashing king, once said that the greatest positive influence on his life was his involvement in Scouting. 

Who is Hank Aaron?


Irving Berlin’s royalties from this song popularized by Kate Smith were donated to the Boy & Girl Scouts.

What is "God Bless America"?


In 1995, some Boy Scouts in Wisconsin produced a Guinness-record 2,377-pound one of these.

What is a popcorn ball?


Of 0, 1, 7, 10, 35, San Jose Council applied for a charter in 1920 from the National Council to serve this many troops.

What is 7?


Camp Stuart, before being purchased and donated to the council by the Stuart family was erroneously known as the place of this famous abolitionist.  

Who is John Brown?


In 2010, these four throwback merit badges were offered to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the BSA. 

What is Signaling, Tracking, Pathfinding, and Carpentry. 


The first Scout to go on to be the president was this man who, in a youthful letter to his father Joe, asked for a bigger allowance to buy canteens and other Scout supplies.

Who is John F. Kennedy?


Starting with its explosive first first, his high energy repeat after me song, often asks the audience to repeat in janitor, barn-yard, race-car, and astronaut styles.

What is Boom-Chicka-Boom?


 A goal of the Boy Scouts is to foster this 15-letter word through activities like fishing, hiking & canoeing.

What is outdoorsmanship?


In the 1950's this high wire event was held on the odd years instead of Scout O Rama. 

What is Scout Circus?


This sum of money was the original purchase price of Camp Hi-Sierra.

What is $10?


This merit badge, when released, will be the newest required merit badge for Eagle Scout.

What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Merit Badge?


In the early 1920s this famous author briefly served as a scoutmaster for an Oxford, Mississippi, Boy Scout troop.

William Faulkner


This close out song is often sung to the tune of O Tannenbaum. 

What is Scout Vespers?
