The founder of Boy Scouts
Who is Lord Baden Powell?
the first scout rank earned
What is Tenderfoot?
The last resort treatment for choking
What is the Heimlick maneuver?
What is the square knot?
The year BSA was founded
When is 1910?
contains the smile with the words be prepared
What is the Second Class?
This stretcher is made with two poles and a tarp
What is a tarp stretcher?
What is the clove hitch?
the scout slogan
What is Do a Good Turn Daily?
The year Boys Scouts was founded in Great Britain
When is 1907?
you write down your merit badges in this rank page
What is Star?
Uncomfortable pressure in the cheast, nausea, and shortness of breath
What are the signs of a heart attack?
the number 1 rule for winter camping
What is changing your socks?
the scout motto
What is Be Prepared?
Brought Boy Scouts to the US
Who is William D. Boyce?
represented as 3 peaks
What are Star, Life, & Eagle?
Burned away flesh and you can't feel anymore
What is a thrid degree burn?
heavy object used for cooking over a fire
What is a Dutch oven?
What is the 9th poing of the Scout Law?
Roughly this many astronauts were Boy Scouts
What is two thirds?
this rank includes a heart
What is Life?
What is a makeshift arm sling?
What is surveying the situation?
to be considerate in the outdoors
What is the third point of the Outdoor code?