Introduction to Scratch
Coding Blocks
Advanced Scratch Concepts
Animation and Sound
Scratch Community

What is Scratch?

Scratch is a free visual programming language and online community designed to help kids and beginners create interactive stories, games, and animations.


What is the basic structure of a Scratch script?

A Scratch script is made up of connected code blocks that stack together to create a sequence of instructions.


What is a sprite in Scratch, and how can you create a new one?

A sprite is a character or object in Scratch. You can create a new one by clicking the "Choose a Sprite from Library" button in the "Choose a Sprite" dialog.


How can you make a sprite move smoothly across the stage in Scratch?

To make a sprite move smoothly, you can use the "glide" block, setting the target position and time.


Can you follow other Scratchers?

Yes, you can follow others to see their shared projects.


Who developed Scratch?

Scratch was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. Founder Mitch Resnick.


What is the purpose of the "Motion" code block?

Moves the sprite forward by the specified number of steps in the direction it's currently facing.


What block combo would you use to make a sprite move 10 steps when the green flag is clicked?

Use the when green flag clicked block followed by the move 10 steps block.


How can you animate a sprite to simulate a jumping motion?

By changing the y position with motion blocks like "change y by [number]" for up and down movements, possibly adding a wait block for timing.


How do you find projects you are interested in?

By using the search bar or exploring the categories.


What are the main programming blocks in Scratch called?

The main programming blocks in Scratch are called "Scratch blocks" or "code blocks."


What is the purpose of the "Events" code block?

Starts the script when the green flag (start button) in Scratch is clicked.


How can you use lists in Scratch, and what are some practical applications of lists?

Lists in Scratch are used to store collections of data. They can be used for things like high scores, inventories, and tracking multiple variables.


What block detects when sprites collide?

If touching [sprite name] then block.


What is remixing on Scratch?

Taking someone else's project and modifying it to make a new project.


What is the purpose of the "stage" in Scratch?

The stage in Scratch is where the sprites (characters or objects) perform actions and interact. It's like the backdrop for your projects.


What is the purpose of the "Looks" code block?

 Makes the sprite say something in a speech bubble for a specified duration.


How can you make a sprite continuously move in a square pattern?

Use a loop block like repeat 4 times with motion blocks inside, including move 10 steps and turn 90 degrees.


How can you add a sound to your Scratch project?

By clicking the "Sounds" tab and then "Choose a Sound" to select from the library or upload one.


How can you give feedback on a project?

By leaving comments on the project's page.


Name two fundamental types of programming concepts in Scratch.

Two fundamental programming concepts in Scratch are "events" and "loops." Events trigger actions, and loops allow you to repeat actions.


What is the purpose of the "Control" code block?

Pauses or loops the script for the specified number of seconds before continuing.


How do you create and update a score variable each time a sprite collects an object?

First, create a variable named 'score'. Then, use the change [score] by 1 block whenever the sprite collects an object.


How can you create levels in a game?

By using different backdrops and controlling when they change.


Can you save your Scratch project to your computer? If so, what're the steps?

Yes, you can save your projects to your computer. The steps to save is go to the top left corner of your scratch project up to "File" and click "Save to Computer."
