The main risk of treatment with intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy.
Migration and proliferation of lens epithelial cells following cataract surgery. Can be cleared with laser.
Posterior capsular opacification.
drusen and RPE changes, no fluid on OCT, no leakage on angiogram.
Intermediate dry AMD
Flashes and floaters x3 days, new curtain coming down over superior visual field since this morning
Layer of tissue with dense vasculature to provide nutrition to the retina
Risks include development or progression of cataract, retinal tear or detachment, and hemorrhaging.
Risks of vitrectomy
A complication of cataract surgery that may require surgical intervention from a retina specialist
Dislocated or dropped IOL
microaneurysms, blot hemorrhages, cotton wool spots. No leakage on angiogram
Three possible causes of distortion
ERM, wAMD, dAMD, chronic CSR, VMT
Structure responsible for anatomical blind spot
Optic nerve
Patient presents with new RAO, and is sent to ER for urgent evaluation, due to the risk of this.
A condition often resulting from recent cataract surgery that frequently requires evaluation with retina specialist. Options often include topical drop therapy, or intravitreal injections in some cases.
Pseudophakic CME/Irvine Gass
retinal hemorrhages in all 4 quadrants, hard exudates, macular edema on OCT, delayed transit on angiogram.
What are 3 conditions that don't cause blurred vision?
Lattice, nevus, tear, chrpe, NPDR w/o DME
Structure responsible for producing aqueous fluid
Ciliary body
3 risks associated with intravitreal Syfovre
1. Infection
2. Development of CNVM
3. Ischemic optic neuropathy
The timeframe following vitrectomy that a patient is at greatest likelihood for developing PVR
6 weeks
Retinal break at 11:00 with trace cuff of subretinal fluid
Localized RD with single break
Jagged, shimmering area of light in both eyes that last approximately 10-20 minutes before resolving
Ocular migraine
Light sensitive cells mostly responsible for vision in low light conditions
Main risk associated with intravenous verteporfin (Visudyne)
Rash/damage to skin with sun exposure.
Condition when the lens chafes on the iris, leading to bleeding, inflammation, and ocular hypertension
Uveitic-Glaucoma-Hyphema Syndrome (UGHS)
Cherry red spot, severe ischemia on angiogram
5 possible causes for eye pain that aren't dry eye
Endophthalmitis, trauma, scleritis, optic neuritis, foreign body
Anatomical junction between the cornea and sclera