T4=Talking to the Text
Language: Do you know the difference?
Patterns and Structures
Tools and Techniques
We are Lasallian

By examining the title and headings, a reader can predict the main theme or topic of the text.

What is making a prediction.


This register is the most formal and unchanging form of language. It often involves set phrases or texts that do not change over time.

What is Frozen Language


This type of plot structure begins in the midst of a conflict or high-stakes situation, it immediately engages readers and creates curiosity about what led up to that moment and what will happen next.

What is Media Res?


is a literary device where the writer gives hints or clues about events that will occur later in the story. It is often used to build anticipation, tension, or suspense.

What is foreshadowing?


This term in the name reflects the order’s mission to provide not only academic education but also moral and religious education based on Christian principles.

What are Christian Schools


A reader might connect the text to personal experiences by relating it to something they've witnessed or studied before. If reading a text on mental health, a reader might connect it to their own experiences with stress or anxiety, or to discussions they've had in a psychology class.

What is using prior knowledge


The formal register is used in professional, academic, or official settings where clear, precise, and respectful language is essential. It avoids contractions, slang, and first-person pronouns.

What is consultative language.


The outer plot structure usually introduces a narrator or a context that leads into the inner stories, which are often told by different characters.

What is a framed narrative plot structure?


This type of literary device enrich a story by adding layers of meaning and encouraging readers to think critically about the text.

What is symbolism?


This French priest founded the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1680, focusing on education for the poor.

Who is St. John Baptist de La Salle?


This strategy involves identifying the key points and condensing them into a brief overview. 

What is making a summary.


This register is used among friends, peers, or in informal settings where the language is relaxed and conversational. It includes slang, colloquialisms, contractions, and even incomplete sentences.

What is the informal register.


¡Telling a story with a series of letters or diary entries that characters might have. 

What is Epistolary plot structure


"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" uses this type of literary device to create a rhythmic and catchy phrase. In poetry and prose, it can enhance the auditory experience, emphasize certain themes or emotions, and make the language more memorable and engaging for the reader.

What is alliteration?


During this major historical event, the Lasallian Brothers faced persecution, leading to the closure of their schools and the dispersion of their communities.

What is the French Revolution?


While reading, a reader might do this for all unclear points or seek additional information.

What is questioning


This reregister is used in private conversations between close friends, family members, or romantic partners. This register often includes pet names, inside jokes, and personal references that may not make sense to outsiders.  It can also be used in a negative way and is the register of sexual harassment.

What is the register of .intimate language or the language of love.


This type of plot structure can help to explain a character's motivations, reveal key events that have shaped the present situation, or build suspense by slowly unveiling important details.

What is a flashback plot structure


in Romeo and Juliet, the audience knows Juliet is alive, but Romeo believes she is dead. This type of literary device adds depth and complexity to narratives by playing with readers’ expectations.

What is irony


The Lasallian network of schools and educational institutions now spans over this many countries worldwide.

What is more than 80 countries?


This strategy involves visualizing the scenes, characters, or events described in the text, which helps improve comprehension and retention.

What is drawing a mental picture.


register is typically avoids contractions and uses a more structured syntax.

What is formal language.


This structure is commonly used in classical literature, such as Shakespearean plays.  It follows a sequential order.

What is the "Freytag's Pyramid" plot structure


Saying "Time is a thief" suggests that time steals moments from our lives, creating a vivid image that conveys the passage of time in a more impactful way. This type of literary device enhance literary works by providing readers with imaginative and thought-provoking connections.

What is a metaphor?


In the 21st century, the Lasallian Brothers have expanded their mission to include efforts in social justice and advocacy for these groups.

Who are the marginalized and underserved?
