He was commanded to build a boat to save his family and the animals from the flood
He was warned to leave Jerusalem before it was destroyed and led his family to the promised land
He was one of Jesus' apostles and he walked on water with Jesus
The prophet who restored the gospel and translated the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith
Mother and Jesus and is known for her faith and humility and being God's chosen woman
He lead the Israelities out of Egypt and was given the 10 commandments
He defended the Nephites from the Lamanites and created the Title of Liberty
Captain Moroni
An apostle who wrote a lot of books in the New Testament and helped to spread the gospel to the Gentiles
An early church leader who was called to be Joseph Smiths scribe
Oliver Cowdery
A woman from the Old Testament who saved her people by persuading the king not to destroy the Jews
He was thrown into a lion den for praying to God but was saved by a miracle
He was the last prophet in the Book of Mormon and buried the plates which became the Book of Mormon after Joseph Smith translated it
An apostle who was a tax collector who became one of Jesus' disciples and wrote the first book in the New Testament
He was the prophet who led the Saints to the Salt Lake Valley after Joseph Smith was killed
Brigham Young
She prayed for a son and after she was almost 90 years old was finally blessed with a son who became John the Baptist
A young shepherd who defeated a giant named Goliath with a sling and stone
A missionary who gave up his kingdom to preach the gospel to the Lamanites and King Lamoni
An apostle that was known as "The disciple whom Jesus loved" and wrote the book of Revelations
One of the early apostles of the Church who became the third prophet and was shot in Carthage Jail with Joseph Smith but was saved by a miracle when the bullet hit his pocket watch
John Taylor
Wife of Joseph Smith who helped him as a scribe when he was translating the Book of Mormon and created the Hymn book we use in church
Emma Smith
He interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and became a ruler in Egypt
He saw the Savior in a vision and he told him about the destruction of the Nephites and the Lamanites and about his fathers vision of the Tree of Life
The first person to see Jesus when he was resurrected at the tomb
An early church leader who believed in Joseph, helped him translate and fund the Book of Mormon but later left the church
Martin Harris
The mother of the prophet Nephi who traveled with her family to the promised land