This person served as Joseph Smith's principal scribe during the translation of the Book of Mormon.
Joseph Smith's family settled in this town- later known as a center for early restoration events such as the translation of the Book Of Mormon and the reception of early revelations.
What is Palmyra
Joseph Smith and Emma's first child, who was born in passed away shortly after birth and was named this.
Alvin Smith
In Doctrine and Covenants 6:36, the Lord advises, "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." This council was given to this individual assisting Joseph Smith
Who was Oliver Cowdery
Although not mentioned in D&C sections 6-9, this river in Pennsylvania is significant in restoration history as the site where Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received Priesthood blessings through baptism
what is the Susquehanna River?
Joseph Smith was given this name in honor of this key family member who influenced his early life.
Who was Joseph Smith Sr?
D&C 7 is a revelation about this apostle's desire to tarry on earth until the Lord's second coming.
Who was John the Beloved?
The quiet, wooded surroundings of Upstate New York set the stage for many early spiritual experiences. This secluded grove near Joseph Smith's family home is celebrated as the site of his first vision.
The devoted woman, whose memoirs provide valuable insight into the early Restoration, was the mother of Joseph Smith.
Who is Lucy Mack Smith?
What is the heart?
This district, known for its intense religious revivals in the early 1800s, is where Oliver Cowdery traveled from to meet Joseph Smith for the first time.
Joseph's sister who played a significant and supportive role within the family during the early years of the church, was known by this name
Who is Sophronia Smith?
In D&C 6:22-23, the Lord reminds Oliver Cowdery of a specific experience where he spoke peace to Oliver's mind. This was to confirm the truth of Joseph Smith's work. This type of personal revelation is often referred to as this.
What is personal witness or confirmation?
When Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery first met, they lived together in this location, which became a key setting for early church events and revelations.
What is the Peter Whitmer Farm in Fayette New York?
These two brothers had significant roles in the Restoration's foundation from the beginning.
Who are Samuel and Hyrum Smith?