How many books altogether are there in the bible?
73 books are in the Bible
How many days of creation are there?
There are 7 days of creation.
Who are the parents of Cain and Abel?
Adam & Eve
How long did the rains last for?
Forty days and Forty nights
How old was Abraham when his journey began in Genesis?
75 years old
How many books are in the OT and how many are there in the NT?
46 in the OT, 27 in the NT
What image are Humans created in?
God's image
What was the main reason Cain killed Abel?
Cain killed him because he was jealous that Abel was more favorable in God’s eyes.
What is the symbol of God’s covenant with Noah?
The rainbow
How many promises did God make with Abraham?
3 promises
What is the Pentatuch?
The Pentateuch are the foundations of the Bible, such as the laws, history, and understanding.
Who are Adam and Eve?
The first two people that God created.
What were the two jobs of the brothers?
Cain was a farmer while Abel was a shepherd.
Why did God choose Noah to be on the ark?
He was a righteous man.
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice?
His son Issac.
There are 5 books in the Pentateuch, name 3 of them.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
Why are babies baptized?
To wash away original sin.
Why does God show mercy on Cain?
God shows mercy on Cain so that he can start over and have a new life.
How is the flood a type of baptism?
It washed away the sins of humanity.
Who did Abraham have his first child with?
What are the four words to describe the bible?
Infallible, Inerrant, Inspired, Canon
What was Adam and Eve’s punishment for disobeying God?
They were banished from the garden.
What is God’s message to Cain?
God’s message is to not let anger rule over him.
What did Noah send from the ark to see if the flood waters had receded?
A dove.
What is the external sign of God’s covenant with Abraham?