What drama element is shown in this excerpt:
[The ghostly bell rings in the distance again. MARLEY looks about him. Music in. MARLEY flies away]
What is the reason that Marley's ghost has to carry a chain?
He was greedy during his lifetime.
Gloomy or ill-tempered
The Ghost of Christmas Present is described as carrying a torch. What drama element would this torch be?
A Prop
Why does Scrooge's sister come to see him at school?
His father has decided to let him come home.
"In life my spirit never roved beyond the narrow limits of our money-changing hole; an many weary journeys lie before me!"
Who is Marley?
A long speech given by one character
What does this dialogue tell you about Scrooge:
Scrooge: There is nothing on which the world is so hard as poverty, and there is nothing it professes to condemn with such severity as the pursuit of wealth?
He thinks being poor is very difficult, but the world dislikes people who try to get rich.
Where did the women and man get the items they were trying to sell to Old Joe?
They stole them from Scrooge after he had died
A driving, irresistible force
What drama element is this stage direction describing:
[offices of Scrooge and Marley, Ltd. SCROOGE sits at his desk, at work. Near him is a tiny fire.]The set
What was the name of Scrooge's old employer who was visited during his time with the Ghost of Christmas Past?
"I am sorry for him; I couldn't be angry with him if I tried. Who suffers by his ill whims? Himself, always..."
Who is Fred?
What is the usual reason for a change from one scene to another?
A change in the setting
Where did Scrooge go on Christmas Day?
His nephew Fred's home