What is the rarest skin in league?
Pax Twisted Fate
What turns the frogs gay?
Chem trails
Which civil rights activist was famous for refusing to give up her seat on a bus?
Rosa Parks
What blocks are used to create and iron golem?
1 Pumpkin head and 4 iron block
What element on the periodic table has the symbol Na?
Which champs name is an anagram for CHAOS
Who was in the club?
Which country would you find the worlds longest fence?
In 1.7 under which moon can smiles spawn above ground at night?
Full Moon
What Latin term, meaning 'stiffness of death', refers to muscle rigidity after death?
Rigor Mortis
What game inspired the item BF Sword?
How many feral hogs stormed my yard?
30-50 feral hogs
What year was Jeffery Epstein wrongfully killed?
200 extra points: What was the Exact Date
10th August 2019
How many days was Minecraft created in?
When was the wheel invented?
3500 bc
Name 3 sets of twins from league of legends.
Extra 200 points. Who were the first champs to be revealed as siblings?
Morgana and Kayle, Lux and Garen, Ashe and Sejuani, Draven and Darius, Nasus and Renekton, and Cassiopeia and Katarina.
The Fallen Angel and The Judicator were the two first champions to be featured as relations.
In what year were zoomers eating tide pods
How many women have walked on the moon?
What are the chances of a Skeleton spawning on a spider. Creating a spider jockey?
1 in 100
What animal, which comes in a 2-toed or 3-toed variety, is also the name of a deadly sin?
Now removed from the game, With the use of revive and teleport, after getting consecutive kills and achieving a Pentakill. What used to come after Pentakill?
Legendary Kill
What does water taste like?
500 points: What colour should coom be?
What color are aircraft black boxes?
Bright Orange
What language do enderman speak if you put it in reverse?
What does M&M's stand for?
M&M's actually stands for "Mars & Murrie's," the last names of the candy's founders.