the iconic dragon character who was scrapped in early development then later turned into aurelion sol
who is ao shin?
the most bugged ability
what is mordekaiser ult?
worst marketing campaign for a champion
who is scataphine?
from arcane
riot cash grab
what is dark cosmic erasure jhin
what was the name of the epic monster in twisted treeline?
what is vilemaw?
who does dmg when auto-ing a stunned champion (stunned by the champion themself)
who is sejuani
no skin no ban
who is faker?
we saw you from across the bar and liked your vibe
xayah and rakan
ugliest lux skin
what is empyrean lux (commando also accepted)?
zaun amorphous combatant
who is zac?
what are the names of the starter jungle items removed in season 2022 preseason
hunter's machete and hunter's talisman
who is teemo? (karma also accepted)
would you like...?
another heal?
cuntiest twink on the rift
what is prestige soul fighter shaco
when azir was about to be scrapped in design, what was his name?
before the runes and mastery rework, what was the name of the biscuits mastery?
240p rendering at worlds 2020
that one illegal pairing bara fanart by azalien
yasuo x yone
chinese/asian themed skin
what is same face syndrome?
ekko's favorite item (according to voicelines) in the days before mythics
what is luden's echo?
back when runes and masteries were separate, what were the four types of runes?
what is mark, seal, glyph, and quintessence?
snipped evelynn's hair
who is riot katie?
who would top and who would bottom in settphelios?
there is no right answer i just wanted to hear yall debate over this
the most "hear me out" skin