The element of art that deals with actual 3-D objects that take up space is:
To mold clay or other materials into a form.
A sculpture is an artwork that is ______ -dimensional.
The area in and around a sculpture that emphasize the form.
Negative Space
This is my first & last name...
Monique Olson
This element of art refers to the way something feels or looks like it feels:
A Design only slightly raised from the surface in a sculpture.
Low Relief Sculpture
Shapes and forms found in nature
A flat piece of art is _____ -Dimensional.
A machine used to 'fire' or bake clay at very high temperatures in order to harden and turn into stone.
a Kiln.
Three types of Balance used in the creation of sculpture.
Symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial balance
To see all parts you have to walk around it
What are 2 principles of art that are most obviously displayed in Alexander Calder's artwork?
Balance & Movement
Materials such as foil, wood or paper, used to create an artwork or sculpture.
Name 3 household materials you may use to create an effect or texture on your 3D sculpture.
Cotton balls, popsicle sticks, paper clips, Qtips, news paper, etc.. students choice.
This deals with the relative size of its parts or whole sculpture in relation to things around it.
Scale or Proportion
The process by which materials are removed to create a sculpture.
Carving or the Subtractive process.
Shapes that can be mathematically measured.
A method of pouring liquid into a mold to create a sculpture.
A method of pushing out metal from the back to create a low relief sculpture. Is it sgraffito, repousse, or papier mâché?
Using a module or component over and over in order to create a sculpture.
Repetition (Pattern) or Rhythm & Movement
Found objects used to create a sculpture
The method of creating sculpture that attaches material to a sculpture.
Additive or Assemblage
An artwork or sculpture created using only one color.
The High School school where I previously taught Art.
Edgar, Owen-Withee, Adams-Friendship