This malleable material is commonly used for hand-built ceramics.
What is clay?
Sculpture that is freestanding and completely finished on all sides.
Known for creating mobiles, this artist redefined the use of movement in sculpture. This artist said, "I think best in wire."
Who is Alexander Calder?
Mx. Janet's art room supervisor/muse
Who is Arnold the Artist?
Cutting or chipping away a shape from a mass of stone, wood, or other material. A subtractive process whereby material is systematically eliminated from the outside in.
What is carving?
Type of clay that never hardens and works well for easily rearranging or moving parts of a sculpture.
What is modeling clay?
The oldest form of sculpture that involves removing and carving material.
What is subtractive sculpture?
This artistic style is characterized by the use of rounded or wavy abstract forms based on what one finds in nature.
What is organic abstraction?
Project rubrics and handouts are stored in this item.
What is the folder by the door?
This technique involves wrapping wire around itself or another object to create a spring-like shape or strengthen a structure.
What is coiling?
A framework around which the sculpture is built, when the sculpture could not stand on its own.
What is an armature?
This type of sculpture is carved into or built out of a flat surface.
What is relief sculpture?
Abstract forms that refer to or evoke living forms such as plants & the human body
What is a biomorphic form?
This instruction is often ignored at the end of art class.
What is wait by your table after you clean up?
These small, quick drawings help artists and designers explore ideas and compositions.
What are thumbnail sketches?
This lightweight material is often used for armatures and can be shaped easily.
What is wire?
An object, usually worn, that is considered to have powers that will protect the person.
What is an amulet?
A model or rough draft of an unfinished sculpture
What is a maquette?
Place where the scratch paper and pencil sharpener live.
What is the counter by the door / under the painting of Michelle Obama?
This sculpture process involves building up material to create a form.
What is additive sculpture?
An item that is repurposed for artistic purposes, not originally intended for art.
This type of sculpture projects very slightly from the background.
What is a low relief sculpture?
This British sculptor is famous for her abstract works and pioneering use of negative space in materials like wood, stone, and bronze.
Who is Barbara Hepworth?
These items are strictly banned from the art room during class.
What is gum, food, and drinks (aside from water)?
This step in the artistic process involves generating and exploring multiple ideas before starting a project.
What is brainstorming?