The Undead Cavalry was created with how many members
4 Members
Created and Named by Ben
The Entertainer
2 Crewmates were born and raised here
The 3rd Story Arc
Goofy Boy Arc
User of the Jiki Jiki or Magnet Magnet Fruit
Eustass Kidd
Mykul’s official position on the crew
Conquered the East Blue
Golden Chief Don Krieg
Island where the campaign started
Swallow Island
Met the Lively Troopers during..
Baroque Works Infiltration
Loved by the World, Inexplainable Luck
Rodd’s Honorary Crew Member
Sound Cyan/Goji
How many main villains ended their arc undefeated
2: Gatling Gun Logan and Soul King
Rodd acquired his Devil Fruit Here
Little Garden
Introduced Zogboo
World Smash Tournament
Spits water like bullets
Aron Blackfin
Name of Current Ship
Moonlight Lotus
The 1st 100 HP boss battle
The World
Living transportation called Yagura Bulls are rented here
Water 7
Learned of Poneglyphs here
Thriller Bark
Controlled 4 Artistic Gargoyles
Lyra Garrison
Voiced by Chris Pratt in our hypothetical Anime
Holds the will of D.
Loki (Mechanis D. Loki)
Spinkle’s Home Island
Crevice Island
Rodd had his 1st Haki Sparks
Germa Ruins
How Many characters Hold 2 Devil Fruits
2: Dory and Soul King