what were scylla and charybdis before being turned into monsters
beautiful women
What is Glaucus a god of
a sea god
What is special about Tireseus the man who helps Odysseus
He was a blind Prophet
how many heads does scylla have
six heads
Who does Glaucus look for to help with Scylla
What is the name of the god that Scylla refuse his love
When Charybdis was a person what weapon did she use
she used the sea as her weapon
what does charybdis look like when she is a monster
a giant whirlpool
Who do Charybdis and Poseidon fight against in their war
What causes Charybdis to be turned into a monster
A war against jupiter
Does Odysseus tell his men of the dangers of Scylla and Charybdis
a dog
What is the famous hero that has to sail through Scylla and Charybdis
What turns Scylla into a monster and who makes it
a curse from Circe
Scylla and Charybdis are what kind of monster
sea monster
what does charybdis swallow all day
Why does Circe help Glaucus
because she loves him
How many people does Scylla leave alive when she attacks ships