What is Kayla's favorite color?
What is the rule of 3?
Take 3 kids, no 1:1
What do you wear on Fridays?
Dress up for theme
How do you start a repeat after me song?
This is a repeat after me song!
When you're HOT, the campers are ____.
Where does Emma go to school?
UNC Chapel Hill
What is the code word for a missing child?
What is week 1's theme?
Drivers start your engines
Beaver six, beaver seven...
Let's all go to beaver heaven
Who is in charge?
The counselor is in charge. YOU are the counselor. Therefore, YOU are in charge.
What was Abby's role at the talent show last year?
What is the code word for a medical emergency?
Right Now
What weeks are the family nights?
Weeks 3 & 7
What song/motion does the little green frog make?
What huddles are in the first pool group?
K/1 & 4/5
What are Emma and Abby's LDS positions called?
Assistant director and head counselor
Where should you stand in line with 2 counselors when transitioning to ensure good group control?
front and back
What is week 9's theme?
Aloha Summer!
Where does the Princess Pat live?
In a tree
What are 3 ways to promote huddle pride?
Song, sign, cheer, huddle name, call back
What year did Kayla start working at the Y?
What are 3 ways to ensure bus safety?
separate, engage with songs/cheers, active supervision, sit by age
What song did Emma play for Art Explosion?
Colors of the wind
The ants go marching 8 by 8...
the little one stops to close the gate.
Which kids DO NOT have to wear a lifejacket?
Pass the swim test or in MS