The shape of DNA...
What is a Double Helix?
The monomer of proteins.
What are amino acids?
The replicate of the DNA strand ATC.
What is TAG?
Transcribe this DNA:
Define mutation.
What is a mistake in the genetic code?
The part of your DNA that codes for a protein.
What is a gene?
The function of an enzyme.
What is to speed up chemical reactions?
The location where DNA replication takes place in eukaryotes.
What is in the nucleus?
The codon of the DNA strand AGT.
What is UCA?
The type of mutation that has a single base switched out for another.
What is substitution?
The backbone (sides of the ladder) of DNA contains these molecules.
The definition of "hydrophobic" AND "hydrophilic". BE SURE TO LABEL EACH ANSWER WITH THE RIGHT TERM!
Hydrophobic - water fearing, repelled by water, not attracted to water, nonpolar.
Hydrophilic - water loving, attracted to water, polar.
The right direction to copy DNA.
What is 5' --> 3'?
The location where transcription occurs in prokaryotes.
What is in the cytoplasm?
The effect of deletion mutations.
What is frameshift?
What are nitrogenous bases?
Reasons a protein may become nonfunctional. (Answers may vary, but should be correct.)
Mutations - wrong amino acid in chain or amino acid completely removed; could have different water properties leading to misshapen protein.
A reason DNA would be copied.
The organelle that synthesizes polypeptide chains.
What is the ribosome?
The enzyme that proofreads DNA during replication to check for and fix mistakes.
What is DNA polymerase?
The central dogma of genetics, or the order of how you get a trait. BE SUPER SPECIFIC!
What is...
DNA --> RNA --> Amino Acid --> Protein --> Trait
Function of helicase protein.
What is to unzip DNA?
*Note: It does this for DNA replication and protein synthesis!
What is it is the "wrong direction" and runs 3' --> 5'?
Translate this DNA:
The type AND effect of this mutation:
Original: TAC-ATG-GCA
Mutated: TAC-ATT-GCA
What is substitution AND nonsense?