This component of SES is considered to be the most important in influencing health & mortality.
This term refers to the ways that societies function because of cooperation to attain common goals and coordination of actions between individuals and institutions.
Social Order
This Sociological Theorist developed the concept of the Looking-Glass Self
Charles Cooley
Refers to the relative absence of social relationships
Social Isolation
Activity undertaken by individuals for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing their health, preventing health problems, or achieving a positive body image.
Health Behavior
This is the name of the river that runs through the city of Fort Worth
Trinity River
What system of stratification does the US use for separating groups based on SES?
Class system
Since the 1980s, rural areas have experienced a higher mortality rates compared to urban areas, a trend that has continued and increased over time. What term does this describe?
Rural Mortality Penalty
What theorist proposed this definition of stress: "The outcome of a situation depends on an individual's definition of that situation and how they
come to terms with it."
William Thomas
This term describes the web of social relationships surrounding an individual, especially structural features such as the types and strength of each social relationship.
Social Networks
Collective patterns of health-related behavior based on choices from options available to people according to their life chances.
Health Lifestyle
In what year was the city of Fort Worth officially established?
What are the four factors that make SES a fundamental cause of disease?
1. Influences multiple diseases
2. Affects these diseases through multiple pathways of risks
3. Is reproduced and enduring over time
4. Involves access to resources that can be used to avoid risks or minimize the consequences of disease if it occurs
What was the U.S. social experiment aimed at improving economic outcomes by relocating low-income families from high-poverty neighborhoods to lower-poverty areas.
Moving to Opportunity (MTO) Program
This type of stress is particularly damaging to the body.
Chronic Stress
The tendency for people to have ties with others similar to themselves in socially significant ways.
Which gender is more likely to seek preventative care?
What Fort Worth's nickname - "_______ City"
Panther City
This concept describes that as the education, wealth, and occupational prestige increase, health increases as well.
Social Gradient in Health
Discriminatory environmental policies, practices, or
directives that disproportionately affect individuals or communities based on race or color describes what concept?
Environmental Racism
Which theorist stated this phrase: "Values, norms, and other social influences descend on the individual to shape his or her behavior."
What type of network is more likely to introduce new ideas and opportunities to their members.
Large, loose networks
List 3 social determinants that can structure our ability to have healthy lifestyles
SES, Gender, Race
What is the name of the historical cattle trail, that is now a toll road?
Chisholm Trail
This German Sociological theorist believed that there were 4 social classes: Privileged, Less propertied but highly intellectual, Lower middle class, Working class.
Max Weber
There are 5 features of neighborhoods that impact health, list as many as you can.
1) Physical environment
2) Surroundings at home, work, and play
3) Services provided to support people
4) Sociocultural aspects of the neighborhood
5) Reputation of an area
"Subjective feelings of belonging, being accepted,
and being needed produce feelings of well-being
and relieves symptoms of tension" describes what type of stress buffer.
Social Support
Our network connections affect and shape mental health, health behaviors, physical health, and death through four main pathways, list as many as possible.
Behaviors, Social Psychological, Physiological, Life Chances & Resources
Which social theorist stated that: "Members of the same social class generally share similar lifestyles"
What is the current population of Fort Worth?