Academic Success Skills
Academic & Transfer Planning

T/F: Statistics show that people with a college education make less and are less happier in the work that they do

False: People with a college education make more and are happier in the work that they do


T/F: Mneumonic devices are tricks for memorizing lists and data



T/F: When emailing an instructor, it is acceptable to state expectations such as: "I'll expect to hear from you soon" or "If I haven't heard from you by 4 pm I'll assume you will accept my paper late"

False. Do not make demands in emails to instructors. Be respectful. Also do not assume without a response.


What is the difference between an AS and AAS degree at NOVA?

An AS degree is geared toward transfer to a 4 year university, while an AAS is an applied degree prepares students for the workforce and is not geared toward transfer.


T/F: When communicating with others, listening only to their words will help you learn more about their feelings than watching and responding to the other person's body language.

False. Body language is equally important in learning about what someone is communicating.


T/F: Understanding your values does not help you know what you want from life and college

False. Values help you understand what is important and meaningful to you in a career, life, and college.


T/F: It is suggested that students allocate 1 hour of study time for every hour spent in class.

False: For every hour spent in class, students should spend at least TWO hours studying outside of class


Name 2 places on campus you can get help for your English essay

(1) Tutoring Center (LC)

(2) Writing Center (LR)


How many credits are usually in an AA/AS NOVA degree? How many credits do you need to take per semester to graduate in 2 years?

60 credits are usually required for an AA/AS NOVA degree

You need to take around 15 credits per semester to graduate in 2 years


Which of the following strategies help students become more actively engaged in reading?

a) Checking your attitude

b) Multitasking

c) Taking short breaks

a & c.

It is important to be in the mindset to focus on your reading and take breaks when needed. Multitasking would take away from focusing on the material.


The difference between a career and a job is that a career requires which of the following:

a) Planning, knowledge and skills

b) Individuals to have a full set of analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills to make informed decisions in the short and long term

c) Individuals to show up and do what is required of them in exchange for pay

a & b.

A career relates to one's interests, skills, and values; "doing what you love"

A job is where one shows up to do what is required of them in exchange for pay


What is the difference between a Formative and Summative Assessment?

Formative Assessments are quizzes, unit tests, pop quizzes, review quizzes, online tests

Summative Assessments are midterms and finals


T/F: When the instructor's teaching style matches your learning style, you are usually more bored in class

False. When an instructor's teaching style matches yours, you are more attentive.


T/F: The advisement report is used as a reference for students to monitor progress toward the completion of their program of study.

True: The advisement report can be used to monitor a student's progress toward their degree. It can be found on SIS through > Student Center > Academic Requirements


In terms of test anxiety, positive stress can do which of the following:

a) motivate you to study and review

b) Feel distress before, during or after a test or exam

c) Sharpen your reflexes and focus while taking the exam

a & c


T/F: According to career theorist John Holland, a Realistic personality type would typically enjoy work that provides an outlet for creativity and artistic expression.

False: Artistic prefers an outlet for creativity; Realistic prefers hands-on and physical activities


Name 3 note-taking styles and the benefits of each.

(1) Outline Method - Allows you to prioritize material 

(2) Concept Map Method - Allows you to graphically capture relationships among ideas 

(3) Cornell Method - Allows you to note key concepts, prioritize ideas and summarize/review work

(4) List method - Listing what is said with no specific order/organization


What resource gives specific career and educational information for students in the Virginia Community College System?

a) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

b) Strong Interest Inventory

c) Virginia Education Wizard

d) None of the above

c. The Virginia Education Wizard can provide specific information on Virginia and can be found through the NOVA website or logging into MyNova.


Name 2 ways of choosing a Humanities/Fine Arts elective for a AS Social Science degree

-Using the "General Education Electives" List found on the NOVA website

-Student Center under Academic Requirements/Running an Advisement Report

-Advising Sheet or Program Plan on the NOVA website (College Catalog)


Name 3 strategies you should use when taking a math test

-Review the entire test before you start

-Write relevant formulas in the margin

-Read each question twice

-Eliminate as many unknowns as possible and compute the answer

-Translating word problems to a numeric equation

-Check your work


Name the 6 Holland Codes

RIASEC: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional


Academic learning occurs most effectively in a cycle of what FOUR steps

(1) Preparing

(2) Absorbing

(3) Capturing

(4) Reviewing


The NOVA College Catalog covers all of the following, EXCEPT:

a) A listing of general education electives

b) The history of the college

c) A schedule of classes listed campus by campus

c) A schedule of classes listed campus by campus each semester or term.

A schedule of classes can be found on the NOVA website or SIS.


If you are interested in transferring to a four-year college what are two important things you should keep in mind as you plan for transfer?

-Choose a degree that is designed to transfer (AA/AS)

-Check with your transfer school to make sure the credits you are taking will transfer toward your chosen major

-Meet with your advisor each semester to ensure you are on the right track

-Take the correct transfer classes

-Be aware of the GAA (if applicable) requirements of your transfer school


T/F: Essay questions are designed for you to recall and provide some very specific information

False: Essay questions are designed to evaluate your thinking and reasoning applied to the course material 

Short answer questions are designed for you to recall and provide very specific information
