Translated as...

THESE were the birds that Hercules fought.

Stymphalian birds are birds of prey in ancient Greek mythology that lived near the Arcadian city of Stymphalus. They were fed by Ares and had copper beaks, wings and claws.


Copenhagen's Tivoli is the third most visited park in Europe, behind Germany's Europa-Park and THIS amusement park. 

Disneyland Paris.


In a literal translation from classical Nahuatl, IT is "water dog", "water monster", which is quite consistent with its appearance.

Axolotl. Neotenic larva of some species of ambystomes, amphibians from the family of ambystomidae of the order of caudates.


According to THIS scale, water freezes at a temperature of +32 degrees.

Fahrenheit scale


The name of a programming language and a note



By THIS BIRD a famous Lewis meant himself. The choice was a consequence of the writer's stutter.

Dodo. This refers to Lewis Carroll.


The Danes say: "We have everything better than Sweden: climate, nature, people, history, and only THEY are better in the Swedes."



Since the 17th century, THIS country's official name has been Druk yul (literally, "country of the Drukpa Lineage" or "the Land of the Thunder Dragon," a reference to the country's dominant Buddhist sect)



On the Scoville scale, which measures the heat of peppers, IT corresponds to zero.

Bell pepper (sweet pepper; paprika).


A creative community of Russian composers led by Mily Balakirev formed in St. Petersburg in the late 1850s and early 1860s. It included Modest Mussorgsky, Alexander Borodin, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, and César Cui.

"Mighty Handful" / "The Five" / "Mighty group"


The Ndorobo tribe does not always trust THEM: there is an opinion that THEY can lead people to dangerous animals in order to subsequently feast on corpse worms.



What is the name of the scientist who, in the 1940s, hid in the United States with his father under the names Jim and Nicholas Baker?

Bohr. Niels Bohr's son, Aage Bohr, also won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1975.


In the Chinese translation of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, there is a character who criticizes THIS practice.

Foot binding. The essence of this custom was as follows: when a girl turned 5, they began to bind her feet, and then, by the age of 10, she had formed an ideal-sized foot - 10 centimeters. This foot size was also called a "lotus foot." Su Manshu was a public figure and a prominent publicist. In his translation of Les Miserables, several characters were invented by Su himself and promote his ideas.


If a mineral scratches a standard mineral from THIS scale, its hardness on the scale is higher; if it is scratched by the standard, its hardness is lower.

Mohs scale. A ten-point scale of relative surface hardness of minerals.

Queen's song "Bicycle race" was inspired by THIS event

Le Tour de France


THESE birds are usually caught by the Japanese for traditional ukai fishing on the coast of Owari Bay, where they nest in trees and coastal rocks.



In 1847, entrepreneur Jacob Jacobsen founded a company in Copenhagen on Valby Hill, and his son was named THAT.

Carl. Jacobsen combined his son's name with the Danish word "bjerg" - "hill". The result was "Carlsberg".


Translated from French, ETA is a type of fine art that means “deceptive eye”, “deceptive appearance”, “optical illusion”.

 Trompe l’oeil (trompe l’oeil). A method of depicting and a set of technical methods that create the illusion of the impossible, or, on the contrary, a representation of something accessible, tangible, but in fact non-existent.


THIS Dutch city is the name of the scale for measuring cryogenic temperatures below -183°C.

Leiden. The Leiden degree is a historical unit of temperature used in the early 20th century to measure cryogenic temperatures below -183°C.


Italian violinists are allegedly said to have placed this animal in their violin cases and petted it during concerts.

a toad. Violinists petted toads to keep their hands from sweating. Toads' skin secretes alkaloids that dry out the skin.


THIS was the name of the volunteer unit of German pilots who fought on Francisco Franco's side in the Civil War.

Legion "Condor".


In Russian aviation, three-letter airport codes in Cyrillic are additionally used. As a result, THIS Russian city is occaisonally confused with Copenhagen.

Saransk. SKH - latin, CPH - cyrillic


Catalan architects Antoni Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujói used trencadís in many of their projects, the best of which are located in Barcelona. Translated, "trencadís" means THIS.

"Cut into pieces, broken." A technique of "broken" mosaics made up of fragments of ceramics (pottery, tiles) and glass.


HE recommended Robert Fitzroy to invite Charles Darwin to the Beagle.

Francis Beaufort. English admiral, naval hydrographer and cartographer. In 1805, he developed a twelve-point scale for assessing wind speed based on its effect on land objects and on sea waves. In 1838, the Beaufort scale was adopted by the British Navy, and then by sailors around the world.


The melody 'Son ar chistr' was born in Brittany. The boys Jean Bernard and Jean-Marie Prima were harvesting apples on their parents' farm and, in order not to die of boredom, they composed light songs. But people are more familiar with the German name of the song. Name the song

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