At the time of the fulfillment of Revelation, ①what is ‘what must soon take place' that God intends to show to His servants,
① The events of the entire book of Revelation, that is, the reality.
In Revelation 6, after the judgment of the sun, moon, and stars, a new era is created. What are the two qualities that people of the new era must have?
① Firm faith
② The word skill to accurately convey
In Revelation 1:3, ①who are 'the one who reads', ②'those who hear', and ③’those who keep'? Write each with the corresponding chapter (verse) of Revelation
① New John who received and ate the opened book, Rv 10
② The people, nations, languages, and kings, Rv 10:11
③ The 144,000 and the great multitude of the 12 tribes, including New John, Rv 7
①When were the seven stars of Revelation appointed? ②What is the path that believers must follow to reach heaven?
① Right before the fulfillment of Revelation
② The path God has prepared, which is the New Testament Revelation
1.who are the 'servants to receive the revelation'? Also, in Revelation 1:2,
2.what are 'the word of God' and
3.'the testimony of Jesus Christ, that is, what he saw' respectively?
1. The 144,000 and the great multitude of the 12 tribes in Rv 7
2. The words of the opened book received and eaten in Rv 10
3. The events of the entire book of Revelation, that is, the reality
① What is the 'power of God's world' and ② what is the 'power of the Gentile world'?
① The power of God's world: life and the way of living
② The power of the Gentile world: death and the way of death
①When do 'those freed from sin by the blood of Jesus’ appear and ②who are they? ③Please write with three scriptures that describe them
① At the time of the fulfillment of Revelation
② The 144,000 and the great multitude of the 12 tribes
③ Rv 1:5–6, Rv 5:9–10, Rv 7:14
In the era of fulfillment, ①what kind of person should I become, and ②how can I achieve it (including scripture)?
① A person born again from the heart
② By being cleansed through the words Jesus has given, Jn 15:3
In Revelation 1:7, ①what does it mean that Jesus 'comes with the clouds'? At the second coming, ②what kind of actions are considered to have pierced Jesus? Also, ③who is 'the one who pierced him' and ④'those who mourn'?
① Coming invisibly in spirit
② Persecuting the two witnesses serving the Lord in Rv 11
③ The beast that comes up from the abyss
④ The saints of the tabernacle who betrayed
1. The place newly created by winning the battle against the devil is the new heaven and new earth, Shincheonji. When the 12 tribes of Shincheonji are created, what events are said to take place? Write with the corresponding chapters of the Bible.
2. At the fulfillment of Revelation, ①what scripture records the key to enter heaven, and ②what must we find today not to add to or subtract from Revelation?
Heaven and God come to Shincheonji, and the first resurrection is fulfilled, Rv 20
2. Answer:
① Revelation 22:18–19
② The reality of the prophecy