The Beginning
The Exodus & Promised Land
The Kingdoms & Prophets
The Messiah
The Letters
The first man and woman on Earth
What is Adam & Eve?
The baby God sent to the Israelite people in a basket down the river who was raised in Pharaoh's house and went on to lead the Israelites through the wilderness?
What is Moses?
The shepherd boy-turned-king who successfully fought a giant
What is David?
The city where Jesus was born
What is Bethlehem?
The book of the Bible in which God's plan for the end of the world is revealed. This book was written after John was given a vision from God.
What is Revelation?
The man God called to build an ark when he flooded the entire earth
What is Noah?
A man who was given a multicolored coat by his father and was sold by his brothers and taken to Egypt
What is Joseph?
King David's son (who ruled after David passed down the throne) who was dedicated to building God's temple. Hint: He told God he wanted wisdom when God told him he would give him anything he wanted.
What is Solomon
The betrayer of Jesus
What is Judas?
The man who God changed from a persecutor of Christians into a faithful disciple. This man wrote many letters to churches and fellow missionaries that are contained in the New Testament today.
What is Paul?
The word that describes the moment Adam and Eve sinned and were kicked out the Garden and humanity was forever changed.
What is The Fall
The wives of Jacob (Israel)
What is Rachel & Leah?
The group of people in the Bible that included: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
What is The Prophets?
The books of the Bible containing the Gospels
What is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
In Galatians, Paul talks about the law and how Jesus set us free from the rigid guidelines and rituals the Jews practiced. What is the difference between the Jews and the Gentiles?
What is faith?
The event in which languages were created and people were scattered
What is the Tower of Babel?
The 10 plagues (Name three)
What is: 1. water to blood 2. frogs 3. biting insects 4. wild animals 5. livestock disease 6. boils 7. fiery hail 8. locusts 9. darkness 10. death of firstborn
The difference between major and minor prophets
What is: - Major Prophets: have a significant amount of writings preserved in the Bible - Minor Prophets:have a smaller amount of writings preserved in the Bible
Jesus's disciples (name three) who traveled around with him and continued his ministry after he went to be with God
What is Simon (Peter), Andrew, James Son of Zebedee, John, Phillip, Bartholemew, Thomas, Matthew, James Son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot
The half-brothers of Jesus didn't become believers until after Jesus came back from the dead. Who are they? (hint: there are two and both names start with J)
What is James and Jude?
A number that symbolizes trial or testing in the Bible (+100 points if you can name an example)
What is 40?
People God changed the names of during this period in the Bible (Name three)
What is: Abram- Abraham Sarai- Sarah Jacob- Israel
How long the Israelites were exiled from the Promised Land
What is 70 years
The first recorded miracle performed by Jesus in the Bible
What is turning water into wine?
Books of the Bible named after the churches Paul wrote letters to (name three)
What is -Romans -1 & 2 Corinthians - Galatians - Ephesians - Phillippians - Colossians - 1 & 2 Thessalonians