Stores secrets.
We gave them a ci-template or it, and I guarantee no one uses it.
What is Okta?
He wears purple pants.
What is the Incredible Hulk?
To slowly cook something in its own fat.
What is to confit?
Hashicorp's Workload Orchestrator.
What is Nomad?
What is helm search repo?
It's name is based on a Spinal Tap reference, and is sometimes lovingly referred to as "The Monolith".
What is Eleven?
The highest rated on Rotten Tomatoes.
What is Black Panther?
What is a roux?
What does ACL stands for.
Examples are pre-install, test, and post-rollback.
What are helm hooks?
We still leverage the ELK stack as well as this other log analysis tool.
What is Filebeat?
The antagonist is actually a planet.
What is Guardians of the Galaxy II?
The ingredients in a "ranch water".
What are tequila, lime juice, and mineral water?
The order our terraform plans must be run in in an eks-terraform pipeline.
What is vpc, cluster, and add-ons?
What is atomic?
Rob wrote it and it deletes things from Autoscaling groups.
What is flay?
Chronologically the most recent movie.
What is Spiderman: Far From Home?
A way to prepare meats by almost cutting it in two, but still leaving the two pieces connected.
What is butterflying?
We've used it to solve distributed locking problems, and can be used for KV store.
What is Consul?
Recently implemented since becoming a CNCF project, a way for people to submit plans for new features to Helm.
What is the Helm Improvement Process (HIP)?
Some Go projects use it instead of Make for absolutely no reason.
What is tusk?
Director Fury (Samuel L Jackson) lost his eye in this movie.
What is Captain Marvel?
A steak that is even more rare than rare.
What is blue or bleu?