Part V (1)
Part V (2)
Genral Schedule

What is part C section of the Part V and give an example?

Additional support documentation

examples: medical protocols, personal care instructions, informal behavior support guidelines.


________ meets with staff to research any upcoming volunteer events/opportunities. As ______ discovers events of interest, he will check his personal availability with staff. Who is the person supported?



CG was prescribed a new medication recently.  What is the name / dosage of the medication and what it is for?

Prilosec (Omeprazole) 20 mg

Acid reflux and inflammation


What is PK's blood pressure protocol?

None- he does not have one.


What day does CL deep clean her microwave & refrigerator?



What is section B of the Part V and explain?

Support Instructions- learn about outcomes that are important to and important for the person supported. These support instructions explain what level of support the person supported needs in certain areas and how the support look step by step. 


_____ applies his feet cream to the callouses on his feet.  Staff prompt ______ to apply topical and explain the importance of using the topical when needed. Who is this person supported?


What is the new cream CL was prescribed? What is it for?

Betamethasone Dipropionate 0.05% cream

used to prevent athlete's feet.


What is RC's diabetic protocol?

Diabetic Protocol to follow:

if blood sugar is greater that 350: do the following: give water/recheck and take a walk if not experiencing any symptoms.  Call Dr. Taylor and notify TL. 

If below sugar less than 60: do the following: give juice or snack. Recheck. Call Dr. Taylor if blood sugar continues to be low then notify TL. 


When PK goes on his daily walk, he is prompted to take the following.....

-wallet/personalized tags

-cell phone



What is section A of the part V and give an example?


examples: likes, dislikes, strengths, areas to grow, communication and learning style, natural supports, fall risk management, and general mental/physical health conditions. 


KU has difficulty with speaking up for herself when she is upset. She has the tendency to keep things to herself until staff have left her apartment. She will then send text messages to the staff cell phone and/or e-mails to the Team Leader, Service Coordinator.  Staff prompt KU to expresses her needs, concerns, desires to staff in the moment. What should staff do?

 ask KU cuing questions like: “Kim, I’m here for you, is there anything else you need from me while I’m here?”, “Kim, what’s on your mind, tell me?”, “Anything you need to get off your chest?” Staff will remind KU that she is free to express her concerns in her home and encourage her to talk about any concerns in the moment as opposed to waiting for staff to leave.


What side effects occur with CL's new cream?

side effects: burning, itching, irritation, or dryness at the application site may occur when medication is first applied.  This should disappear in a few days as the body adjusts. 


What is CG's blood pressure protocol?

Take blood pressure twice daily. If top number is GREATER than 140 or less than 110, contact Dr. Mebrahtu for guidance on how to proceed then notify TL. If bottom number is Greater than 90 or less than 60 contact Dr. Mebrahtu for guidance on how to proceed and notify TL.  Call 911 or go to ER if BP is reading is low at 80s/60s or than /= to 180/110.


What day does KU clean her C-PAP mask/hose?



Name two documents that we should use for mood chart and for thoughts of suicide.

How to support me when upset document and self-harm suicidal ideation negative self-talk document. 


It can become problematic when CL need for control overlaps with the actual need for supports with cleaning, pet care, personal care, and health concerns.  What document should you use to balance CL's independence with meeting her needed support?

Behavioral support guidelines


What PRN medications can KU take for complaints of a headache?

But/Apap/Caff 50/325/40 Tablet (prn)


What is CG's blood sugar protocol?

If blood sugar is 70-199 call physician only if experiences symptoms of chest pain, sob, headaches etc.  If blood sugar is 200-299, recheck immediately & still in range, give water to drink. Recheck blood sugar 15 mins and if still up call Doctor immediately if experiencing listed symptoms. If blood sugar is 300 or above, call doctor.  Call 911 if blood sugar reading is 400 or above. 


What days are RC volunteer opportunity day on the edsr? 

Mondays & Fridays


WO's plan was posted on yammer at the beginning of June.  There was a message for staff to follow in the plan. What was it?

 If you are reading this plan, please send Kim a text message stating your name, and read the plan.


What is KC's skill builder and name the 3 steps?

KC uses her Alexa device to create a calenda of appts, events, and activities in order to plan her week.

1. KC sets up the Alexa

2. KC sets up her calendar on Alexa

3. KC will review her tasks, appts, and outings for the week and add each one to her calendar. 


Name 3 medications that RC takes and what are they for?

Fluoxetine HCL 10 mg (depression)

Fluoxetine HCL 20 mg (depression)

Lisinopril 40 mg (hypertension)

Metformin HCL ER 500 mg (Diabetes Management)


What is CG's personal care support protocol?

1. arrange time with CG

2. CG gathers items

3. prompt CG to wash face/brush teeth

4. prompt shower

5. Assist with back washing

6. prompts to dry off /step on bathmat

7. prompts to lotion, apply deodorant, & get dressed.  put away dirty laundry. 


KC's PT exercise/gym days are...

Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday
