What is the colors for Christmas?
White and gold
What is ordinary time about?
Jesus's life
What do we prepare for?
Jesus's ressurection
What is the color for Triduum?
what are the colors?
white and gold
_______ season of the church
What is the color for ordinary time?
How long is lent?
6 weeks
What day did Jesus die?
Good Friday
What is the celebration about?
Resurrection of the lord
What are we preparing for on Advent?
Arrival of Jesus
True or false:
Ordinary Time happens 3 times
False, 2 times
What do we receive?
What is the color for Triduum stand for?
H.S and blood shed
True or False:
Easter is the greatest celebration of the church
What do we celebrate on Christmas?
Jesus's birth
What does the color for ordinary time stand for?
hope and life
What are the main colors?
purple and violet
When does Triduum start?
Evening of Holy Thursday
How long does it last?
50 days
Christmas end on _______
Baptism of the lord
True or False:
OT is the longest season of the church
What does lent mean?
When was Jesus put in his tomb?
Holy Saturday
When does Easter end?