This is the classification for the brightest stars in our sky.
First Magnitude
The Pleiades are often associated with this constellation.
Taurus (bull)
The bright star Arcturus means _________
Guardian of the Bear
What asterism is part of Cygnus?
Northern Cross
What constellation also shares its name with a neighboring galaxy?
Choose one of the following constellations and share its Greek myth:
Lyra, Corona Borealis, or Perseus
Lyra = Orpheus
Corona Borealis = Theseus, Minotaur, Ariadne
Perseus = Cut off Medusa's head, saved Andromeda
This asterism and its constellation can be used as a signpost to find many constellations of the winter sky.
Orion's Belt - Orion
This constellation has the 2nd brightest star in our sky.
Bootes (Herdsman)
These two small constellations lie within or near the Summer Triangle
Sagitta (arrow) and Delphinus (Dolphin)
Three of the autumn constellations come from the same Greek myth. Name the constellations and their meanings.
Perseus (Hero)
Andromeda (Chained Woman)
Pegasus (Winged Horse)
The heliacal rising of this star had significance in Ancient Egypt and Greece.
Name the star and explain heliacal rising.
Heliacal rising is when the star is first visible just before sunrise.
This constellation shares a star with Taurus.
Auriga (Charioteer)
Name the two dimmer constellations that lie below Virgo.
Corvus (Crow) and Crater (Cup)
This constellation has The Keystone.
Hercules (Strong Man)
This is the brightest star in the autumn sky and its constellation.
Fomalhaut - Piscis Austrinus
This is the term for when a star rises visibly in the night sky.
Temporal rising
Name the stars of the Winter Triangle asterism.
Procyon, Sirius, Betelgeuse
What are the 4 zodiac constellations of the spring sky?
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra
These are the zodiac constellations of the summer sky.
Scorpius, Sagittarius, Ophiuchus
Name the trapezoid-shaped asterism made up of 2nd magnitude stars and the two constellations that it is connected to.
Great Square of Pegasus
Pegasus & Andromeda
This is the invisible rising of a star, behind the daytime sky, so that it can be seen in the nighttime sky after sunset.
cosmic rising
These 7 stars make up the Winter Hexagon (or Circle).
Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Castor, Pollux, Procyon, Sirius
Name the stars of the Spring Triangle asterism and their constellations.
Regulus (Leo), Arcturus (Bootes), Spica (Virgo)
Vega (Lyra)
Deneb (Cygnus)
Altair (Aquila)
What zodiac constellations are prominent in the evening autumn sky?
Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces