What are the two reasons for the seasons?
Earth's tilt and the revolution of Earth around the Sun.
What are the dates of the Solstices?
June 21st Summer Solstice and December 21st Winter Solstice
What are the dates of the Spring and Fall Equinoxes?
March 21st- Spring and September 21st- Fall
What is the angle of insolation?
The angle at which the Sun strikes the Earth's surface.
Why does the tilt of the Earth play a role in the seasons?
Alters the angle that the sun's energy hits each hemisphere depending on whether it is tilted towards or away from the sun.
In the Northern Hemisphere do we get more or less hours of daylight during winter solstice?
Less hours of daylight
Which pole is tilted towards the sun during the Spring Equinox?
If there is a low angle of insolation is there more or less intense heating?
Less intense heating
What season is it during Christmas (12/25) in the Southern hemisphere?
In the Northern Hemisphere do we get more or less hours of daylight during the Equinox?
About equal hours of daylight and nighttime.
What angle of isolation produces the highest temperature?
90 degree angle
Describe the sun’s path at the North Pole during the summer solstice?
Hardly sets. Stays light almost 24hours.
Which location (A or B) receives the most direct sunlight?
Location A
The sun rises in the ______ and sets in the ______ .
Rises in the east, Sets in the west
What does solstice mean in Latin?
Sun (sol-) stands still (-stice)
What does equinox translate to in Latin?
Equal night
Which Location (A or B) has the highest average temperature?
Location A