What do we call the two days of the year when there are equal hours of day and night? BONUS What two months of the year does this happen. BONUS BONUS What two seasons of the year does this happen?
Equinox. Bonus: March and September. Bonus Bonus: Spring and Fall
What do we call a period of the year identified by changes in hours of daylight or weather?
In the summer the axis points________ the Sun. In winter the axis points __________ _________ the Sun.
Summer the axis points TOWARDS the Sun. In winter the axis points AWAY FROM the Sun.
What is an axis?
The axis of the earth is the imaginary line passing through the center of the earth at an angle of 23 ½ degree from the vertical
True or False. When the Sun's angle is less direct there is more light energy hitting the Earth, and it heats more.
If it was the summer solstice what would you know about the length of the day?
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. (The Sun shines for the longest number of hours).
If you wanted to heat the Earth what would be the most effective angle for the Sun to hit the Earth's surface?
A 90 degree angle causes the greatest heating.
How does suns ray's spreading affect the heating of the planet?
When the Sun's rays spread out there is less energy on any one part of the planet, and it feels cooler.