When the Earth makes an orbit around the sun in one year.
What is a revolution?
The solstice that begins on June 21st
What is the summer solstice?
When every place on Earth gets 12 hours of sunlight
What is an equinox?
When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere it is this season in the Southern Hemisphere.
What is winter?
The solstice that begins on Decmber 21st
What is the winter solstice?
This aspect of Earth will not change in our lifetime.
What is the tilt?
When the poles get 24 hours of sunlight or darkness
What is a solstice?
When it is fall in South America it is this season in Ohio.
What is spring?
When half of the Earth is facing away from the Sun it is this time of the day on that side.
What is night time?
When neither the North or South Poles lean toward the sun
What is an Equinox?
This causes the seasons
What does the Earth's tilt cause?
The place that gets 24 hours of sunlight at the summer solstice.
What is the Arctic Circle?
When it is summer in Arizona, it is what season in Canada?
What is summer! (They are BOTH in the same hemisphere!)
When either the North or South Pole face the sun
What is a Solstice?
The season in Ohio when the North Pole leans toward the sun.
What is summer?
The place on Earth that gets 24 hours of sunlight on the winter solstice.
What is the Antarctic Circle?
It is this season in the Southern Hemisphere when the Tropic of Capricorn is getting 90 degree rays.
What is summer?
When it is noon on one side of the Earth it is this time on the other side.
What is midnight?
The locations that get the Sun's most intense rays at equinoxes and solstices.
What is the equator and the Tropics?
The season in Ohio when the South Pole is facing the sun.
What is winter?
The reason some places get 24 hours of sunlight or darkness at the solstices.
What is the effect of the poles facing directly towards or away from the sun's rays?
Sydney, Australia is currently experiencing it's longest day of the year. In what part of the world is it the Autumn season?